A Parade Of Providence is the biggest event in Genshin Impact 3.6 featuring six mini-games in Sumeru. Check out the gameplay and rewards of all these sub-events here.

I. Schedule & Eligibility

A Parade Of Providence starts on April 27th and ends on May 15th. You need to meet the following requirements to be eligible for this event.

  • Reach AR30 and above;
  • Complete the subevent 'A New Star Approaches' of  Archon Quest Chapter 1.

You can use the Quick Start button to skip two subquests, including Inversion of Genesis and Illusions of the Mob. This event is a big ceremony held by the Akademiya in Sumeru.

Take part in minigames.

II. How To Play

Six mini-games in the event have unique gameplay, which is different from activities in previous updates. Check out the gameplay of these sub-events here.

#1. Gathering of Stars

The first mini-game in A Parade Of Providence is Gathering of Stars. Participants need to solve star puzzles by rotating Astro tables. It offers players the following features to solve the puzzle.

  • Adjust the high of Astro tables
  • View the star map hint

The star map helps participants find the right spots of the stars easily.

Solve star puzzles.

#2. Project Connectivity

If you have mastered construction in the Serenitea Pot, Project Connectivity is an easy minigame for you. The game mode gives players free materials. Their mission is to construct a path connecting checkpoints in the given map so that their characters can reach all checkpoints with that path.

Project Connectivity

#3. Antiquity Hunt

Antiquity Hunt is a world exploration mini-game in the Sumeru Ceremony event. You have to travel to the designated spots to search for the relic replicas by using a special search compass. It's not a challenging mission, but you need to check every spot carefully.

Use the compass to search relic replicas.

#4. In Truth's Steps

The next mini-game in the ceremony event is called 'In Truth's Steps'. The NPC will give you a story to read and analyze. Then, explore the truth by answering questions about the characters and details in the story.

Go to see this NPC for the minigame 'In Truth's Steps'.

#5. Concocted Reaction

Concocted Reaction is a combat challenge, which is more familiar than other minigames. But there is still a difference. Before entering the combat domain, you can select two Resilience and Enhancing Concoctions to debuff enemies and buff your party.

Concocted Reaction is a combat challenge.

#6. Mimetic Replication

In the Mimetic Replication game, participants will control a Weasel, a Shroomboar, or a Fish to do corresponding tasks.

  • The weasel needs to jump low and high to collect golden coins.
  • The shroom boar have to destroy obstacles on the road.
  • The fish will leap up at the right time to match the rhythm of two small fishes.

It's one of the funniest activities in this ceremony event.

Mimetic Replication

III. Event Rewards

After completing each part of the six subevents above, Genshin Impact participants can claim corresponding rewards, including:

  • Primogems
  • Gala Excitement
  • Mora
  • Talent Level-Up/Ascenstion/Enhancement materials.
Claim event rewards

In addition, you also get 50 Primogems and lots of rewards at each milestone of Gala Excitement. When your Gala Excitement points reach 1200, you can get a free Faruzan.

>>> Also Read: How To Play Genshin Impact Antiquity Hunt In A Parade of Providence Event