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Garena is constantly releasing new updates for Free Fire, with the bi-monthly "OB" patches being the most substantial. In these updates, they often rebalance the various character skills, buffing weaker skills and nerfing popular ones. In this article, we are going to list out all character skill rebalances in Free Fire OB31 Advance Server.
1. Chrono's Time Turner Rebalanced
Chrono's Time Turner in OB31 has a much lower cooldown (120s) and 1 more second in duration. However, the bonus speed while inside the shield is removed. Furthermore, players are no longer able to shoot at outside enemies while inside the shield. The skill might actually become balanced now, as people won't be able to use it for offensive purposes anymore.

Maybe this would be the final change of Chrono in Free Fire, as this character has been nerfed so many times since his release a year ago.
2. D-Bee's Bullet Beats buffed
Apparently, D-Bee's ability is actually not strong enough to shoulder the disadvantage of firing weapons while moving. Because of that, Garena has buffed its accuracy bonus by 10% at all levels, from 35% to 45% max. This will allow D-Bee users to rush much better, with accurate sprays while jumping around.

3. K's Master of All buffed
Apparently, K's ability takes too long to regen EP, and the max limit of the skill is too low. This weakness is why people just choose to use Alok's ability over his. Even Miguel's passive can be more useful than this skill, as it restores 80EP in one go.
In OB31, K's ability was buffed greatly. At max level, players can regenerate 2 EP every one second now, which is twice as fast as the previous version. Furthermore, the max EP regeneration limit is now 250 instead of 150.

4. Maxim's Gluttony nerfed
One of the more popular characters in Free Fire pro scene recently, Maxim, is getting nerfed back to his previous version. His skill, Gluttony, reduces the time of eating and using med kids. In OB31 Advance Server, this bonus gets reduced by 10% at all levels. This is a huge nerf and players might want to pick other characters over Maxim now.
At his current form, Maxim is probably still worth picking up. However, more players would give up on his ability to pick other skills now.

5. Thiva's Vital Vibes buffed
Thiva is one of the newest characters in the Free Fire roster. His passive skill "Vital Vibes" gain 5% more rescue speed at all levels. Overall, this buff is relatively insignificant as players will only be saving some milliseconds.
Garena could definitely ramp up the boost for Thiva, as his ability is still pretty underpowered, and is literally useless outside of squad mode.

>>> Read more: How Strong Is The New Mystery Character In Free Fire OB31?