Azur Lane is a bullet hell, side-scrolling style mobile game, with a character roster being the warships from World War 2 personified. You would control up to 6 characters advancing on a map to shoot at the enemies that appear while dodging their attacks. Yostar has been releasing a lot more gear since 2020, and in this article, we are going to showcase a complete guide for Azur Lane Equipment Tier List 2022.

While the game is fairly light weight, players would need quite a bit of storage space on their phone. For the smoothest gameplay, it is best to play Azur Lane on PC using an emulator.

1. Azur Lane Destroyer Gun Tier List

Azur Lane Destroyer Gun Tier List
Destroyer Gun Tier List

Outside of this tier list, certain ships might favor one weapon over others. For example, Kitakaze can only use the Twin 100mm (Type 98) - Sakura DD main gun, while Tashkent needs the Twin 130mm (B-2LM).

S Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 135mm (Model 1938) DD gun with the best DPS against Medium armor enemies and high DPS against Light armor enemies. Virtual Tower event shop.
Twin 130mm (B-2LM) DD gun with exceptional DPS against Light and Medium armor enemies. Northern Overture and Khorovod of Dawn's Rime event shops.
Prototype Twin 130mm Model 1936 Main Gun Mount DD gun with exceptional DPS against Light and Medium armor enemies PR5 research

A Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 114mm (QF Mk IV) DD gun with low reload time to proc skills and very high damage against Light and Medium armor enemies PR3 research
Twin 128mm/45 SK C/41 DD gun with AP ammo. Does exceptional DPS against Medium armor while remaining decent against other armor types Gear lab

B Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Single 138.6mm (Mle 1929) Very high DPS HE Gun, good against heavy armor enemies Iris of Light and Dark (D2), Skybound Oratorio (D1), and Universe in Unison (μSP)
Twin 120mm (QF Mark XI) Very high DPS against Light and Medium armor enemies Gear lab

C Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 100mm (Type 98) DD gun with low reload time to proc skills and average damage against Light and Medium armor enemies How to get: 9-4, 12-4, 14-3, T4/T5 Sakura Tech Box.
Twin 127mm (5"/38 Mk 38) Average DPS HE Gun, good against heavy armor enemies How to get: 5-1, 8-1, 10-3, 11-1, T4/T5 Eagle Tech box.

D Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 120mm (QF Mark XII) Transitional gun. Good against Light and Medium 4-2, 8-1, T3/T4 Royal Tech Box
Twin 120mm (Model 1936) Transitional gun. Good against Light and Medium Empyreal Tragicomedy B1, D1; The Flame-Touched Dagger SP1, SP3
Twin 127mm (Type 3 Mod B) Transitional gun. Good against Heavy Gear Lab
Single 76mm (3"/50 caliber gun) Fastest gun in the game for proccing skills 3-3, T2/T3 Eagle Tech Box

2. Azur Lane Surface Torpedoes Tier List

Surface Torpedoes Tier List

The principle behind torpedoes is that homing torps are good for auto while normal (non-homing) torps are good for manual.

S Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
533mm Quintuple Homing Torpedo Mount (6 Star) Best homing torp for Autoplay. Save this for your best Torpedo characters such as Ayanami/Shimakaze...etc. Gear Lab

A Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
533mm Quadruple Homing Torpedo Mount Great homing torp for Auto Opposite Colored D1, The Pursuit of Graf Spee SP3 (Boss only), Inverted Orthant D1 (Boss/Siren only), T4/T5 Iron Blood Tech Box, Gear Lab.
610mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount (6 Star) Great manual torp with very high damage Upon the Shimmering Blue Exchange

B Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount Mk 17 Good non-homing torp for Auto Gear Lab
533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount Good non-homing torp for Auto 7-4, Glorious Battle SP3, Non-Ironblood T4/T5 Tech Boxes. Blueprints can also be obtained through Research.

C tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
533mm Quintuple Homing Torpedo Mount (5 Star) Good non-homing torp for Auto T4/T5 Ironblood Tech Box
533mm Quintuple Torpedo Mount Mk IX Best manual torp with a parallel pattern instead of a spread pattern. Bad in auto mode. 7-4, Glorious Battle SP3, Non-Ironblood T4/T5 Tech Boxes. Blueprints can also be obtained through Research.
610mm Quadruple Torpedo Mount Kai Good manual torp with a slightly higher cooldown Gear Lab
610mm Quadruple Torpedo Mount (5 Star) Good manual torp 6-4, 8-2, 10-4, 11-2, 12-2, T4/T5 Sakura Tech Box. Blueprints can also be obtained through Research.

D Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
533mm Quadruple Torpedo Mount Good transitional torpedo 5-2, Non-Ironblood T3/T4 Tech Boxes
550mm Triple Torpedo Launcher Fast torpedo for proccing skills Acquired through Angel of the Iris, Research.

3. Azur Lane Submarine Torpedoes Tier List

Submarine Torpedoes Tier List

Overall, the homing Mark 20 Bidder is the best, but it is fairly hard to craft in research. If you can't get it, just stick with the G7e, which blueprints can be found in either research or daily. The other torps are usable but not optimal and resource-intensive to craft, especially the tier B and C ones.

Players can use the purple versions of these torps as transitional weapons.

S Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
Submarine-mounted Mark 20S "Bidder" Torpedo Great sub torp with weak homing capability. However, as it fires in waves of 3 instead of 2, the Bidder is considered the best. Gear Lab

A Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
Submarine-mounted G7e Acoustic Homing Torpedo Great sub torp with strong homing capability. X-5 maps (Anti-Submarine Warfare) from boss node.
Submarine-mounted Mark 28 Torpedo Technically A tier, but has low damage and is harder to get than the G7e Gear Lab

B Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
Submarine-mounted Mark 16 Torpedo Transitional equipment until you are able to get A or S tier X-5 maps (Anti-Submarine Warfare) from boss node, Supply Line Disruption, 13-4
Submarine-mounted Type 95 Oxygen Torpedo Transitional equipment until you are able to get A or S tier X-5 maps (Anti-Submarine Warfare) from boss node.
Submarine-mounted Type 96 Oxygen Torpedo Transitional equipment until you are able to get A or S tier Gear Lab

C Tier

Torp DPS rating How to get
Submarine-mounted Mark 12 Torpedo Good stat but crafted from the same source material as the bidder. Gear Lab
Submarine-mounted Type 95 Kai Pure Oxygen Torpedo Cost too many resources. Gear Lab

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4. Azur Lane Light Cruiser Guns Tier List

For CL who can pick between CL guns and DD guns, always go for the DD guns as they yield higher DPS. Always use CL guns for BB aux slots, if possible.

Light Cruiser Guns Tier List

S Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Prototype Quadruple 152mm Main Gun Mount Best CL gun with the highest DPS, very hard to get. PR5 research

A Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Prototype Triple 152mm DP Mk 17 Main Gun Mount 2nd best DPS CL gun. PR2 research
Triple 152mm B-38 MK 5 Main Gun Mount Slightly lower DPS than the Mk17. Northern Overture event shop and map drop, Khorovod of Dawn's Rime map drop
Prototype Triple 155mm Kai Naval Gun Mount About the same as the B-38 Gear Lab

B Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Prototype Triple 152mm Mk XXV Main Gun Mount 3rd best DPS CL gun. PR2 research
Prototype Twin 150mm SK C/28 Main Gun Mount Similar DPS to the Mk XXV Gear Lab

C Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Triple 155mm Main Gun Mount Average DPS CL gun. Use if nothing better available. 6-2, 8-3, 13-1, T4/T5 Sakura Tech Box. Blueprints can also be obtained through Research.
Triple 152mm Mk 16 Main Gun Mount Similar to the Triple 155mm Main Gun Mount but has higher spread Gear Lab

D Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Triple 152mm (Model 1934) Lower than average CL gun but decent as BB aux gun. Available in "Daedalian Hymn" event shop, D3 and SP. Virtual Tower as a map drop from SP4.
Twin 150mm TbtsK C/36 Main Gun Mount Best Purple gun, good to use when you don't have gold guns yet. 4-2, 9-3, 11-4, T3/T4 Ironblood Tech Box
Single 150mm SK C/28 Main Gun Mount Fastest CL gun in the game, best to use on CL who need to trigger barrages like Neptune. 2-4, 8-1, 11-2, T3/T4 Ironblood Tech Box

5. Azur Lane Heavy Cruiser Gun Tier List

Heavy Cruiser Gun Tier List

S Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Prototype Triple 234mm Main Gun Mount Best CA gun with the highest DPS, very hard to get. PR3 research or the Prototype Shop (limited to 50 blueprints total).

A Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Triple 203mm (SK C/34 Prototype) Best DPS CA gun with AP ammo. PR1 research, Gear Lab
Triple 203mm (8"/55 Mk 15 SHS) Similar to the SK C/34 but has higher DMG against heavy Gear Lab
Twin 203mm SKC (Improved) Similar to the SK C/34 but with higher DMG against light and medium Operation Convergence event shop
Twin 203mm Mle 1931 Main Gun Mount Best DPS CA gun with HE ammo. Drop and event shop in Skybound Oratorio.

B Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Prototype Twin 234mm Main Gun Mount Very good CA gun with good performance against all armor types PR3 research
Prototype Triple 203mm Mk IX Main Gun Mount 2nd best HE gun due to the higher spread Gear Lab

C Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 203mm (SK C/34) Decent CA gun with AP ammo, use if no higher tier available 7-3, 8-4, T4/T5 Ironblood Tech Box. Blueprints can also be obtained through Research.
Prototype 203mm No. 3 Naval Gun Mount Decent CA gun with HE ammo, use if no higher tier available Core Data Exchange (800), Gear Lab
Prototype Triple 203mm AA Gun Similar to the SK C/34 but with higher DMG against light and medium PR 1 research
Twin 203mm (Model 1927) The only CA gun with SAP ammo, hard to get and lower than average performance Empyreal Tragicomedy map drop

D tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 203mm Naval Gun Mount (4 star) Usable HE gun until you get gold weapons 4-2, 8-3, 8-4, 12-1, T3/T4 Sakura Tech Box
Twin 203mm (SK C/34) (4 star) Usable AP gun until you get gold weapons 4-3, 4-4, 8-4, T3/T4 Tech box

6. Azur Lane Battleship/Battlecruiser Guns Tier List

BB/BC guns tier list

Overall, there are 2 types of BB/BC in the game. If your ship has a powerful Barrage, you might want to use a fast gun. The rule of thumb is that AP guns are most useful against heavy/medium armor while HE is great against everything in general.

S Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Triple 406mm MK7 (6 star) Best HE shelling gun in the game. Mirror Involution event shop
Twin 457mm Mk A (6 star) Best AP gun in the game, very high DPS. PR2 research

A Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Triple 406mm Mk 6 2nd best HE shelling gun. Budget option due to purple rarity. 6-2, 6-3, T3/T4 Eagle Tech Box
Triple 381mm AA Gun HE. Slightly worse than the 406mm MK6. Same role. Gear Lab + PR1
Triple 406mm /50 The 2nd best AP shelling gun in the game. PR3

B Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Triple 305mm SK C/39 Fast HE gun for Barrage ships. PR3
Triple 460mm Yamato gun. Very high HE damage but long cooldown. Violet Tempest, Blooming Lycoris Event Shop
Twin 406mm Mk4 Good speed and DPS. 3rd best AP gun. Gear lab
Triple 410mm Similar to 406 MK4 in DPS. PR1 + Gear lab
Twin 406mm SK C/34 Best mixed speed + DPS HE gun PR2
Triple 406mm Mk D Similar to 406 MK4 in DPS. Gear lab

C Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 381mm Fastest gun for barrage ships (HE) PR 1/2/3 + Gear Lab
Twin 380mm (SK C/34) Same as 381 but AP T4/T5 Ironblood Tech Box
Triple 406mm (Model 1940 Prototype) The only SAP BB gun, moderate DPS PR 4

D Tier

Gun DPS rating How to get
Twin 410mm Kai 2nd best mixed speed/DPS gun Gear Lab
Triple 283mm (SK C/34) Fastest AP gun in the game. T3/T4 Ironblood Tech Box
Twin 410mm Best budget choice for early game. 6-3, 7-3, 12-4, 14-1, T3/T4 Sakura Tech Box
Triple 381mm (Model 1934) Littorio gun, ok in very short fights Core Exchange Shop


Gun DPS rating How to get
Quadruple 380mm (Mle 1935) Jean Bart gun Core Exchange Shop
Twin 410mm (Type 3 Shell) Confetti gun, useless PR1/2
Quadruple 356mm (BL 14" Mk VII) KGV gun, useless on other ships T4/T5 Royal Tech Box.
Triple 406mm (BL 16" Mk I) Massachusett gun, use for ships with armor changing skills 6-3, T4/T5 Royal Tech Box.

7 - Aircraft Carrier Fighter Tier List

  • Tier-EX: F7F, Sea Hornet
  • Tier-1: F4U, Sea Fury, F6F, Seafang, Kawanishi, A7M, BF-109G
  • Tier-2: F8F, Seafire, Type 0
  • Tier-3: Me155-A, F2A
List of all Fighters worth using in Azur Lane.

The Tier EX has the highest damage, with 2x 1000lbs bombs. Tier 1 has about the same level of damage, with the F4U and BF-109G being the strongest. New players should stick with the F6F or Seafang. Tier 2 and 3 are not worth using outside of airstrike speed adjustment. Stock up on the F4U once you have gathered enough core data - they are the cheapest fighter for budget players.

8 - Aircraft Carrier Dive Bomber Tier List

  • Tier-1: SB2C Helldiver, XSB3C-1
  • Tier-2: BTD-1
  • Tier-3: SBD, Barracuda 831, Firefly, Suisei, Suisei 12A
  • Special: Suisei Model 21 (for BBV)
List of all Dive Bombers worth using in Azur Lane.

Overall, just stick with the SB2C Helldiver, the best DB in the game. It is also super easy to get, from both map drops and chests. The XSB3C-1 is just a slight improvement at the highest tier, which is pretty resource-intensive.

While tier 2, the BTD-1 is worth using sometimes, the tier 3 planes are not worth using outside of airstrike speed adjustment. The Suisei Model 21 is the best in slot for Aviation battleships.

9 - Aircraft Carrier Torpedo Bomber Tier List

There are 2 types of Torpedo Bombers, Normal (for mobs) and Converging (for bosses).

  • Tier-EX: Wyvern
  • Tier-1: Ju-87, Aichi B7A (Converging), XTB2D (Normal), Swordfish (Slow)
  • Tier-2: Barracuda, TBM Avenger, Firecrest, Blackburn
  • Tier-3: Saiun Kai, TBD Devastator.
List of all Torp Bombers worth using in Azur Lane.

Overall, new players should just stick with the Barracuda and the Aichi B7A. While the other options are marginally better, these two planes are much easier to get. The Siren ops planes are extremely resource-intensive, especially the Wyvern.

10 - Azur Lane Equipment Tier List For Auxiliaries + AA guns


  • Tier-1: High Performance Hydraulic Steering Gear, High Standard Fire Control Radar, Beaver Squad Tag
  • Tier-2: Steam Catapult, Super Heavy Shell, Type 1 AP Shell, Type 93 Pure Oxygen Torpedo, SG Radar, Homing Beacon
  • Tier-3: High Performance Air Radar, Repair Toolkit
Azur Lane Equipment Tier List For Auxiliaries

Overall, there are so many Aux in AL that listing them out would cost us all day. The Rule of thumb is to get Evasion on tanking frontline ships like Heavy and Light Cruisers, HP on Destroyer, White and Black Shell + Radar for Battleships and Steam Catapult for Carriers.

For submarines, you can use any combination of the Improved Snorkel, Type 93 Improved Oxygen Torpedo, and Pressure Resistant Hull Design.

The same rules apply for Aux gear - if you are using the purple version of the gold gears, only upgrade them to level 6 (except for the toolbox).

PVP Auxiliaries

There are quite a few Auxiliaries that only work in Exercise or PVP mode in Azur Lane. They can be unlocked in the Memento Section. Overall, these equipment provide good stats and should be unlocked as soon as possible.

Anti Sub Gears

While all light cruisers and destroyers can fire depth charges now, having the Improved Depth Charge Projector would still be useful (even its blue version is passable). You can get blueprints for crafting them from SOS missions and weekly submarine missions. The sonars are completely optional - you only need the depth charges.

Anti Sub Gears in AL

AA guns

Most AA guns in Azur Lane are interchangeable so it is not worth listing them all out. The best are the Sextuple 40mm BOFOR from PR3 and the Twin 113mm. The Twin 134mm is useful for gun-based destroyers like Z23 - they provide an extra 15FP, which those units sorely need.

The Twin 40mm bofor and the Twin 40mm hazemayer are best used on battleships - they provide an extra 15 and 5 Hit, the stat that battleships sorely need.

If you are a new player, just use any gold AA gun you managed to get your hand on. Anti air only becomes a problem once you reach world 13, which is filled with enemy planes.

Azur Lane Equipment Tier List For AA guns

You need the best gears to defeat the strongest bosses in AL. Check this video below to find out more.

This is the end of our Azur Lane Equipment Tier List. Interested in more of our articles related to android games? Please check out this post to find out more about the Top 6 Best Strategy Games For Android (Offline).