PUBG Mobile has finally come back to India under the name of Battlegrounds Mobile India. After months of waiting, we are finally able to get back to PUBG's familiar battlefields... with Vikendi being one of the most iconic maps. There are actually not many snow maps in battle royales at all.

In this article, we are going to list out the top 5 hot spots to drop in Vikendi to get kills.

1 - Cosmodrome

Located in the north part of Vikendi, the Cosmodrome is absurdly large, however, it has only a few loot places. It makes up for the low quantity with quality - the main draw of this location is the excellent loot tier. A lot of players like to drop here because of that alone.

Cosmodrome in Vikendi

Try to drop near the tall building and take some time to search it for valuable guns and gears. This is amongst the hottest spots to drop in Vikendi.

2 - Volnova

Volnova is one of the larger cities on the south side of Vikend, with a lot of building tightly packed together. There is a lot of loot here due to the number of buildings. Expect to run between and on top of rooftops, as the houses are crammed together super tight. The loot path is decently good.

Volnova in Vikendi

Expect competitions especially if the plane's path passes near this location.

>>> Read more: Battlegrounds Mobile India: How To Get Free Rename Card

3 - Goroka

Goroka is a medium-sized city next to a frozen lake. It has numerous small houses for BGMI players to explore and loot. The location is probably the best part of Goroka - it lies in the middle of the island where players can drop and make their way to the safe zone.

Goroka in Vikendi

Just be careful when dropping down into the lake, as there is a very good vantage spot behind the village.

4 - Castle

The castle is in an easily defensible position on Vikendi - it is in the middle of a small lake and can only be accessed by passing through 3 bridges. The loot tier of this location is great, and because of that, there are a lot more competitors aiming for this spot in Battlegrounds Mobile India map.

Castle in Vikendi

Be careful when crossing those bridges, as there might be campers hidden on the high ground waiting to ambush you.

5 - Dobro Mesto

Dobro Mesto is the third biggest city on the map, located on the western edge of the island. Despite its bad location, there is a lot of loot to be found there, and players will definitely flock there if the plane route crosses.

Dobro Mesto in Vikendi

There are dozens of buildings there, ranging from small to large. Try to move frequently and not spend too much time on the central plaza - it is the top priority for lots of players.

Interested in more of our articles related to Battlegrounds Mobile India? Please check out this post for the Top 5 Hot Spots To Drop In Erangel.