Whether you are an aggressive or passive player, having a cover like the Gloo Wall is the best way to protect yourself to be the last survivor in the game. In battle games like Free Fire, Gloo Wall is a huge advantage that protects you from enemy attacks anywhere, any time. However, as Gloo Grenades are limited and are only purchased with diamonds, here are some effective alternatives to keep you safe from damage in case Gloo Wall is unavailable, check them out!


Obviously, taking the advantage of the wall is the most common way to get some covers while facing enemies. Try to run towards some walls when being against other players. However, there is also a risk of other enemies coming out from the nearby wall or buildings so you had better watch out!

Behind the rock

If you’re playing outsides, try to spot out some rocks which will play the best cover when being attacked. In fact, there are a lot of large stones or rocks in the game that your team can take advantage of without worrying about the cover being destroyed.


When it comes to combats, anything which can prevent you from being shot can work as a cover. Using a vehicle for protection is also a common way when players run out of Gloo Grenade. In case you cannot find any other items like rocks or walls, a vehicle like a car, truck or motorbike can make the best alternative to keep you safe.


Hiding behind trees is also a common way when playing outside. While it causes difficulty to your enemies who are trying to shoot you down, a tree cover also makes it harder for you to have a clear view as you can only see the side views.


When all of the above covers are unavailable, even a tiny bush can make a cover. Although it is less effective than the aforementioned items, hiding behind a bush makes it more challenging for your enemy.

Above are the most common ways to make a cover without using a Gloo Wall in Free Fire. There are also many creative and tactical ways to protect yourself from being attacked. Stay tuned with Gurugamer.com for more interesting Free Fire tips and tricks for players!

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