Call of Duty Mobile Features a lot of different guns, perks, and grenades – and because of that, there can’t be a perfect loadout/strategy that can be applied to every game. Each and every game mode/maps require a different combination of skills and weapons. In this post, we would show you some Call of Duty Mobile best loadout and the best weapons, operator skills and scorestreaks. These loadouts are highly customizable and can be modified based on your preferences.

1 – Call of Duty Mobile best loadout: Basic Loadouts

For normal gameplay:

Primary Weapon: AK117 modded with a Quickdraw, Red Dot Sight, Extended Mag and Foregrip

Secondary Weapon: Any SMGs

Tactical: Trophy System

Best Loadout in Call of Duty Mobile: AK117

Lethal: Trip Mine

Operator Skill: Sparrow

Scorestreaks: Predator Missile, Stealth Chopper, and UAV

Perk 1: Vulture

Perk 2: Hardline

Perk 3: Flat Jacket

Best Loadout in Call of Duty Mobile: FHJ18

For Sniper Gameplay:

Primary weapon: Arctic .50 modded with Stock, Extended Mag, and FMJ.

Secondary weapon: SMRS

Tactical: Trophy System

Lethal: Trip Mine

Operator Skill: Sparrow

Best Loadout for Call of Duty Mobile: Arctic 50

Scorestreaks: Stealth Chopper, Predator Missile, and UAV

Perk 1: Hardline

Perk 2: Fast Recovery

Perk 3: Ghost

>>> Read more: Guide for best operators skills in Call of Duty Mobile

2 – Call of Duty Mobile best loadout: What are the best weapons in every class of CoD Mobile?

The best Assault Rifle is probably the AK117, with the high damage of an AK without much recoil drawbacks. It is great for both close and long-range fights.

About SMGs, the best is probably the MSMC. As recoil on SMGs is pretty annoying in Call of Duty Mobile, the MSMC, one of the few SMG without much recoil is probably the best of the class. If you are on a map with a lot of close-range fights, this gun would definitely be able to shine. The damage and fire rate are also decent.

Best Loadout for Call of Duty Mobile: MSMC

Arctic .50 is probably the best Sniper Rifle in the game, with high fire rate and ease of control – at least easier comparing to other Snipers Rifles in-game.

Regarding LMGs, the S36 is probably the best, with superior damage, fire rate, and lower recoil. You can pretty much go through an entire team with a single magazine.

Damage wise, the BY15 is probably the most used shotguns in COD Mobile. If you are familiar with this type of weapon, you could easily go around one-shotting people with this gun.

3 – Call of Duty Mobile best loadout: Best Secondary Weapons in Call of Duty Mobile

Secondaries are just as important as the usual primaries – it is best that you do not waste this slot on something like a knife or pistol. Use the Rocket Launcher instead. Below are all the best secondary weapons in Call of Duty Mobile.


A very powerful and versatile weapon – the SMRS launcher is the best secondary weapon in Call of Duty Mobile. You can kill a lot of things with it, from your enemies to Stealth Chopper, UAV, Counter UAV, VTOL…

Best Loadout in Call of Duty Mobile: SMRS


While this launcher cannot kill normal enemies, the FHJ18 is designed to counter enemy un-manned targets such as Choppers. The missile fired would lockdown on them and work hit no matter how far the target is.

>>> Also check out: Guide for fast level up in Call of Duty Mobile

4 – Call of Duty Mobile best loadout: Best Scorestreaks in Call of Duty Mobile

Scorestreaks are one of the most unique features that Call of Duty Mobile has over other titles. There are quite a few of them to choose from, each with their own unique strengths. Because of that, it is best to pick Scorestreaks based on your skill level and needs.

Beginner: If you are new to the game, it would be pretty hard to collect enough points for the bigger streaks like VTOL or Stealth Chopper. Because of that, the best ones to pick would be Care Package, Hunter Killer Drone, and UAV.

Care Package is a pretty weird one, as you can technically get any Scorestreaks from it randomly. If you are lucky, a VTOL would spawn.

Best Loadout for Call of Duty Mobile: Scorestreaks

Intermediate: If you are a decent player and could reach a moderate number of kills, it is best to upgrade your loadout from the Beginner tier. At this level of play, the Predator Missile, UAV, Stealth Chopper or Sentry Guns would be the best choices. Predator Missiles and Sentry Guns are best used in Domination.

Pro: People at this level probably do not need to read this part – most of them would agree that the UAV, Goliath, VTOL and Stealth Chopper are the best. The UAV is probably the best streak in the game and suitable to use for all skill levels.

5 – Call of Duty Mobile best loadout: Best Operator Skills in Call of Duty Mobile


It is common knowledge that Sparrow is amongst the best and most overpowered operator skills at the start of Call of Duty Mobile. While it was slightly nerfed due to player complaints, it is still amongst the best options for longer range combat in the game.

Best Loadout in Call of Duty Mobile: Sparrow


H.I.V.E is the newest Operator Skill added to Call of Duty Mobile. It is similar to War Machine, but with proximity mines instead of grenades. When triggered, the mine would release a Nano drone swarm that heavily damage nearby enemies. Hive is very effective in ranked Domination matches, as you can set traps in places that enemies would come through. The mines do not last for long, however – it is best that you place them as soon as possible.

War Machine

A fully automatic Grenade Launcher with absurd firepower – you can definitely take down multiple opponents with just one bullet. It is not effective on longer ranges, however.

Best Loadout for Call of Duty Mobile: War Machine

Death Machine

Death Machine is simple but effective – it can take down a lot of enemies from afar with high damage and accuracy.

This is the end of our guide for the Call of Duty Mobile best loadout. For more guides and strategies of this game, please check out this article for a complete guide of the Assault Rifle class in Call of Duty Mobile.