Merit point is a part of PUBG Mobile’s anti-cheat component, providing a much lenient punishment for suspected cheaters instead of just banning them outright. Overall, merit points have been a pretty successful method to sort normal players from cheaters and preventing hackers from gaining even more advantages (using a hacked account to boost rank for a normal one).

1 - What are the punishments for a low Merit score?

PUBG Mobile's Merit system is a pretty creative method to prevent game ruiners

Players whose merit score gets lower than 60 would not be able to party with other people anymore – they can’t play Squad and Duo. The duration of the ban is unlimited – you would only be able to lift it if your merit point gets past the threshold.

2 - What would get your Merits deducted?

Getting merits back is pretty hard
  • Teaming up with a cheater: while there is no penalty for the first offense, the second time forward would earn you -15 merits for every match.
  • Killing Teammates (detected by system): ruining the game by harming teammates would give you -10 for the first offense, 15 on the second offense, and a whopping 30 from the third time onwards.
  • Killing Teammates (reported by players): if you are reported for teamkilling, the punishment would be twice as harsh. It is 20 for the first offense, 30 for the second, and 60 for a third one (which is total overkill, as you can only have 100 merit points max).

3 - How to get more merit points?

You need to finish a few matches of Classic mode. You would get +3 Merits for a top 10 finish, +2 for a top 50, and +1 for a top 100. Regaining merits are much harder than losing them – it would take 5 -15 matches to get back after a deduction.

4 - How to check Merit Points?

Check your own Merit point

You can check the Merit points of your account in Profile > Tier Overview > Bottom Left Corner

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