One month ago people would have thought the Anniversary update of Free Fire is the game's biggest patch this year... however, that turned out to not be the case. Free Fire's September OB24 patch is going to be 2020's largest infusion of new content - with 2 new characters, one new pet and a complete overhaul of the Bermuda map.

In this article, we would list out everything you need to know about the Free Fire OB24 Update.
Free Fire OB24 Update Details
1 - Free Fire OB24 Update Date
Currently, the OB24 advance server is already active - it is the beta server for Free Fire's devs and beta testers to playtest the game to sort out the bugs. It would be active for about a week, with the OB24 patch officially hit the global server on September 22.

Previously, the release date was supposed to be 26... however, looks like the testing phase went well. Sept 22 is also exactly one month since Free Fire's Anniversary - maybe this is all calculated.
2 - New character Dasha
Dasha is known as Diana in the Spanish version - looks like Garena wanted to change the name to make it more... suitable for the Global version. Dasha is a hipster/ rebellious member of society, who was eventually sucked into a conspiracy, arrested and dumped on Free Fire island. With all the skills at her disposal, Dasha has to make it out of the place alive.

Her skill is a passive ability called "Partying On", with 4 different effects. Overall, the ability reduces the recoil of the gun she's holding (the bonus doubled when she moves around) and damage received + recovery time after a fall.

Overall, Dasha is a character designed around being mobile - her ability would work well with speed-enhancing skills. With the massive fall damage reduction, many new strategies are open up - you could just jump right off the edge of the high ground to escape danger or pursue enemies.
3 - New character Sverr
The second character in this patch is going to be a northern European MMA fighter named Sverr, Free Fire's 2nd martial artist after Kla. However, Sverr's ability is completely unrelated to melee fights and is actually useful.

His skill is an active ability called "Going Berserk", which increase the damage he dealt in 5 seconds for the cost of a modest amount of HP. This is the first purely offensive skill we have seen in Free Fire - Sverr is definitely going to be a hot pick in competitive matches. The Sverr + Alok rush combo is going to be the best, as Alok's ability would also heal Sverr's self-damage.

4 - New "Rockie" pet
Previously, the rumors about OB24's new pet list it as part of the Halloween update, with the appearance of a Pumpkin. However, this turned out to not be the case, as the Advance server has confirmed that the new pet is going to be a squirell-like creature with a teal mohawk. Rockie's skill is going to be a game-changer - it is a passive that reduces the cooldown time of your existing active abilities.

If you have Alok's skill or Sverr's skill, getting this pet would increase the frequency that you can use your actives. Overall, this pet is super competitive and a must-have if you are playing at a high level.
5 - New "ParaFal" gun
Another rifle named ParaFal is going to be added to the game. This gun is the weapon of choice for the Brazillian army and is made by a Brazillian company - probably an attempt to appeal to the region's fanbase by Garena. The ParaFal is going to be a mid-tier gun and part of the main weapon droplist

6 - Official Debut of Bermuda 2.0
While we have got a taste of Bermuda 2.0 in the OB23 update, only 4 small locations of the map were revealed on Clash Squad. In OB24, the whole thing is going to be released, replacing classic Bermuda on both normal and ranked. With the map structure and graphical details changed, it would be in your best interest to relearn the map once more.

4 new locations are going to be added as a replacement of existing areas on the map: Hydropower, Fisherman's Creek, Academy, and Samurai's Garden.
Interested in more of our articles related to Garena Free Fire? Please check out these 2 posts for more information about the new characters Dasha and Sverr.