Garena has been constantly upgrading Free Fire with new content, with each "OB" patch buffing the underpowered characters to an acceptable. In OB27, they have buffed Rafael, Maxim, Misha and Olivia... and this time, it's Clu's turn.
In this article, we are going to analyze the future changes to Clu's ability in OB28 to see if she could become a new "meta" unit that everyone would use.
1 - About Clu's Tracing Steps Ability
Tracing Steps: Locate positions of enemies who are not in the prone or squat position
Prior to this update, Clu's ability is considered to be weak. Unlike Chrono's wall or Alok's healing aura, Clu's Tracing Steps only provides information and not any advantage over enemies. While information is power - you still need proper team communication to take advantage of it.

In the lower skill tier, most players just want to solo and therefore skills with actual battle effects are preferred. Furthermore, the skill does not work on enemies who are prone or squat, which is a big built-in weakness.
2 - Clu's buff in OB28
Both versions of the Clu's skill below are at the maximum level.
- Old version: Locate positions of enemies within 50m who are not in prone or squat positions. Lasts for 7s, CD 50s. Enemy positions are shared with teammates on level 4 or above.
- New version: Locate positions of enemies within 70m who are not in prone or squat positions. Lasts for 7.5s, CD 50s. Enemy positions are shared with teammates at all levels.
The new buffed version of Clu is actually worth using now. While the weakness of "prone or squat positions" still exists, the AOE of the skill is much bigger now. This increases the chance that any foes would be caught in the effect.

The fact that enemy positions are now shared at all levels also reduces the number of resources you have to spend to use Clu. Now you can just equip her skill and join the match right away without having to worry about leveling it to 4.
>>> Read more: Everything You Need To Know About Free Fire D-Bee Character In OB28
3 - Would Clu become the new meta?
While the buff is very appreciated and could catch enemy players off-guard, Clu would never be able to become a powerful character as long as her counter still exists in her own skill.
To avoid getting caught by Clu's Tracing Steps, you can just squat as much as possible, especially when standing still. Some new weapons (like the Kord) or pet (like the new Dr. Beanie) require players to crouch to unlock their full potential, which is not a good thing for Clu's users.
In higher ranks, information is power - you might see teams experiment with Clu's ability. Not all members of a squad would be crouching after all - if you detect one person, their teammates should be nearby.
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