The Free Fire OB28 update will be coming really close. As usual, we can expect that the update will bring tons of new changes to the gameplay of Free Fire. In the OB27, they have brought back a lot of old character by giving more them buffs and reworks. They are going to do the same thing this time in the OB28 update.

In the OB28 update of Free Fire, they are going to buff 3 characters Clu, Paloma, and Laura. Here are the details of these changes in Free Fire characters after OB28 update.
1. Clu
Old skill: Locate positions of enemies within 50m who are not in prone or squat positions. Lasts for 7s, CD 50s. At level 4, enemy positions are shared with teammates.
New skill: Locate positions of enemies within 70m who are not in prone or squat positions. Lasts for 7.5s, CD 50s. Enemy positions are shared with teammates.

Clu's new Tracing Steps increase the duration of the skill by 0.5 seconds and the AOE of the skill by 20m. Furthermore, her skill now gives teammates the positions of the enemies at all levels.
2. Paloma
Old skill: 180 AR ammo will take up inventory space.
New skill: Able to carry 180 additional ammo.

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Paloma will allow you to store all types of ammo instead of only AR ammo. This makes much more sense as shotguns, SMG, sniper rifles are also very important parts of the game.
3. Laura
Old skill: Accuracy increased by 30 when scoped in.
New skill: Accuracy increased by 35 when scoped in.

Laura's skill gets a slight buff from 30 Accuracy to 35 Accuracy. This is a really small buff so it probably won't have any impact at all.
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