Free Fire's OB28 Advance Server has finally been released. This update is actually a little bit smaller than usual, as there are only three new weapons, one pet and one character added. Amongst them, the most intriguing addition is probably the new machine pistol UZI.

In this article, we are going to list out everything you need to know about this new weapon.
About the UZI
The UZI is actually classified as an SMG in most other shooters. In Free Fire, however, the UZI is now considered a "machine-gun pistol". It is now a sidearm that takes the slot of a secondary weapon. It is similar to the MP40 in a lot of aspects. The UZI has a high rate of fire in exchange for lower damage, range, and accuracy.

It is very likely that the UZI will come with an option to dual-wield (Akimbo), as its magazine size is only 17 (it also uses pistol ammunition). With its high fire rate, 17 bullets per magazine are just not enough DPS comparing to other weapons in its class. When dual-wield, the damage dealt is comparable to an SMG.
How to use the UZI?
With the UZI designed to be a sidearm in the pistol slot instead of the main weapon, it is likely that Garena wants dedicated sniper players to use it as the secondary. Overall, the UZI (or Akimbo UZI) should be a deadly support item for a combo of 2 SRs or any DMR/SR combos.
Currently, there are not many reliable sidearm options for these types of combos, with the Desert Eagle being too slow and the M1873 being too inaccurate.
Interested in more of our articles related to Garena Free Fire? Please check out this post to find out more about the new Free Fire D-Bee Character In OB28.