Free Fire's Clash Squad is a special mode in which two teams going against each other in a small area on the usual battle royale map. Due to the different format and the size of the area, the strategy you should employ on this map is very different comparing to the usual.
In this article, Gurugamer is going to compare the two newest characters in Free Fire, Maro vs Xayne, to see which one of them is better in Clash Squad.
1 - About Maro
Maro's ability is a passive called Falcon Fervor. It is one of the few skills that outright boost damage in Free Fire. However, the condition for the damage boost is fairly special - the further the target, the higher the bonus damage. The maximum damage bonus you can get from Falcon Fervor is 25%, with an extra 3.5% on marked targets. This means you can combo Maro's ability with Shirou, Moco and Clu.

Maro's ability is overall suitable for snipers and assaulters, who mainly use ARs, DMRs and SRs. All these guns have a high range... and that's the only way Maro's ability could give some decent damage. While the damage bonus might look impressive on paper, most of the time you won't get the maximum, as battles in Clash Squad usually occur at medium range.
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2 - About Xayne
Xayne's ability is called Xtreme Encounter. At level 1, it gives the player 80HP and 40% increased damage to gloo walls and shields for 10 seconds, on a 150 seconds cooldown. You lose the bonus HP after the skill ends, but the damage is not lethal.

At max level, the bonus damage increases to 100%, and the cooldown reduces to 100 seconds. Overall, this ability is perfect for close to medium-range combat, especially if your enemies use Gloo Walls. You should be able to penetrate their cover easily to damage the foes hidden behind the barrier.
You might need to get away after the skill's duration is near its end, as the HP bonus is only temporary. It would be a problem if the buff goes away while you are fighting.
3 - Which character is better in Clash Squad Mode?
In Clash Squad, combat is much faster and at a closer range due to the mode's restriction. Because of that, Maro's ability can't show its full potential. Xayne's skill, on the other hand, can save you from sticky situations due to its nature of being an instant heal. Furthermore, you can also shred Gloo walls as well, if they are used.
Furthermore, it is actually better than A124's skill, as in clash squad you usually don't accumulate enough EP to cast it repeatedly.

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