The festive season is right here and it’s high time to win exclusive prizes from Free Fire events. Over the past months, the game has come up with endless events, one after another, and all of them just took fans by storms with much-coveted rewards that some of them cost up to 10,000 diamonds. While the Diwali Event 2020 is in full swing this November, Free Fire continued to leave fans overwhelmed with the new Penta Flip event with which players can gain valuable items from the new Day of the Dead collection. Find out more details about the Free Fire Penta Flip Event: Day of the Dead and what rewards you can earn from it!

Free Fire Penta Flip Event: The Day of Dead

Free Fire Penta Flip is back, bringing up some of the most stargazing items from Day of the dead collection to players so they can celebrate the victory is the coolest way. In many countries, especially Latin American cultures, November 2nd is considered the Day of the Dead. On this day, people hold festivals and ceremonies to pay tribute to the death of their relatives and family. The event kick starts on November 2nd and will only last until November 8th so you will have one week to gain the valuable gifts from the event. Here is the reward list and how to get them from the event.

On the Day of the Dead, people will decorate items with skulls and skeletons paintings along with floral patterns in black and purple. New items in the Day of the Dead collection follows the same concept in stunning designs. The rewards list goes with items like bundles, bandana, parachute skin, and the most significant one of the Dead Gloo Wall Skin as Grand Prize.

Here is how player s can attend the Free Fire Penta Flip: Day of the Dead event:

  • In each round, you will have 5 cards present for 5 different rewards.
  • Click 'Shuffle' to change the order of the card before flipping the card.
  • The reward you get is the one shown on the card you picked
  • If you do not win the Dead Gloo Wall Skin in the first round, it will be brought to the next round.

You can take part in the first round for 20 diamonds and you will need to pay more 20 diamonds more after every single round. There will be 5 rounds in total and in the last round, there will be three cards left so the chance to get the Grand Prize is quite high. If you're lucky enough, you can get the Gloo wall in the first flip so you just need to pay 20 diamonds for a fancy Gloo Wall Skin. It is such a great deal and as the time is limited, go to the game and try your luck right now!

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