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Ever since becoming the #1 game in the Indian market, Free Fire has been releasing a lot of new exciting events tailored for the country, with the new Hrithik Roshan character "Jai" being the biggest example. In this article, we will list out all the leaked Free Fire Upcoming Events In Indian Server so that you could prepare for them beforehand.
1 - FFCS Skin Bundles
It is probably time for the Free Fire Continental Series (FFCS) to come out... and along with it, a few new skins to celebrate the occasion.
FFCS Costume Bundle
The FFCS bundle is another hip-hop-inspired set of costumes for both male and female characters. The Male Bundle is Blue while the Female Bundle is Orange, similar to the two guns.

The M4A1 FFCS is going to be the star of the show. The whole gun is coated in blue (the same theme of the tournament) with white patterns across its body. It is not a surprise that Garena has picked this gun to be the weapon royale for this tournament, as it is pretty iconic.

The M4A1 FFCS is amongst the top weapons in the game, with ++ Rate of Fire and + Damage, at the small cost of movement speed reduction, which does not really matter that much.
Groza FFCS
The Groza FFCS has the same style of decoration as the M4A1 but in orange. It also has similar white streaks. This is probably the highest damage Groza skin in the game, with ++ in Damage at a cost of lower magazine size.

Grenade Skin FFCS
The grenade skin of FFCS looks like a toy... it is blue with an orange trigger - the two main colors of this tournament.

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Backpack Skin FFCS
There would be 2 backpack skins for this event - the Orange one would be legendary and the Blue one would be Rare. They look too... ordinary, however, not nearly as good as other backpacks in Free Fire.

Surfboard Skin FFCS
These two futuristic surfboard skins can be obtained for free by participating in FFCS 2020 votes.

Loot Crate & Parachute Skins FFCS
Event-themed Loot Crate and Parachute skins - both of them are in Blue and Orange.

Banner & Avatar FFCS
Exclusive banner and avatar for the FFCS event.

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2 - Free Fire Continental Series
Free Fire Continental Series, the last and biggest tournament of Free Fire this year, would begin on November 22. Below is the Time for Action teaser for the tournament.
3 - New Diamond Royale
The New Diamond Royale of this event would be the female bundle of the Beast Arm mutant set released previously in October. This bundle would have special animations on hands and legs - the right hand of this set is also mutated.

4 - Faded Wheel
This would be the first Faded Wheel event with two bundles instead of one - they are Wolf and Tiger. Looks like both of those bundles would be released on November 30.

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5 - Possible Legacy Incubator Returns
Joker Incubator
The Killer Clown Joker Bundle might return on December 2. It is one of the rarest bundles in the game. Overall, these bundles are super creepy.

3 in 1 Incubator
The three most overpowered weapon skins "Lightning Spade MP40", "Titan Scar" and "Rampage M1014" are going to be part of the "3 in 1" Incubator. This event is likely to be released on January 10. It is best that you save your resources for these overpowered skins.

Top Criminals Incubator
One of the earliest incubator bundles - the Top Criminals is likely to come back very soon. There are 5 colors for this bundle... and each one has a different mask.

Slaughter Party Incubator
Another legendary incubator bundle - the Slaughter Party is another candidate for a rerun.

6 - New Incubator
A new incubator named "Imperial War", with a theme based on Japanese Shoguns and three different color schemes is going to be the next addition to Free Fire. You would need 7 Evolution Stones and 5 Blueprints for the red set, 5 and 3 for the blue set, 3 and 1 for the black set.
The hat is the best piece in this bundle - it has a purple particle effect.

Interested in more of our articles related to Garena Free Fire? Please check out this post to find out more about the Top 10 Best Gun In Free Fire 2020.