After players have understood some of the basics in Call of Duty Mobile, it is time for the grind. Levels are very important in Call of Duty Mobile, as it is the requirement to unlock new weapons and gears. This quick leveling guide will cover some of all three methods of speed up the experience gain rate in Call of Duty: Mobile, from game modes, loadouts, and in-game play. Another thing to be mentioned is that this guide is not absolute – players should definitely make some changes based on their own playstyles and quirks.

Getting more levels in Call of Duty is usually your first priority

Customize your loadout

Customized loadouts are something that PUBG Mobile does not have. Below are the optimal settings for any players in need of level up.

Primary Weapon:

The AK117 is one of the best weapons in the game

M4 would Unlock at Level 1

RPD would Unlock at Level 19

MSMC would Unlock at Level 33

AK117 would Unlock at Level 60

The above are some of the easiest guns to use for new players.


These are the three best attachments that you should prioritize on your weapon



Extended Mag

Secondary Weapon:

The SMR is a high damage accurate secondary that can be used to shoot down drones reliably

SMRS (Unlocks at Level 13)

FHJ-18 (Unlocks at Level 34)

Some of the more damaging weapon that you could make use of if the situation calls for it


Fast Recover would increase the healing rate

Vulture – more ammo pickups

Hardline – lower streak requirements

Operator Skill:

A generic loadout with the Scythe and Perks equipped

Scythe – the most accurate gun out of all operator skills.


UAV – Reveal enemies in an area

Hunter Killer Drone – Homing drone

Predator Missile – Guided missile

What game mode to select?

To level up fast, it is best that you stick with the mode that yields the highest experience per minute. For new players that are inexperienced, Team Deathmatch would be the best way to gain exp in Call of Duty Mobile. However, if you are confident in your ability to reach higher streaks, the Domination mode would be slightly better.

In-game actions that grant experience

There are a few things that players should focus on when they are playing to gain more experience. Firstly, destroying enemy aircraft. Shooting those drones down would grant additional experience, and players should prioritize this when possible. It is the reason behind the popularity of the SMRS and FHJ-18, as they can kill those aircraft easily.

Killing the drone would give extra exp - players tend to be careless with them

Furthermore, winning matches in Call of Duty Mobile grants additional experience, however, you would not want to win a match without getting a good K/D ratio. This means it is good to have a couple of decent teammates in the squad, but too many good players would cause your individual score to go down.

Team Deathmatch is the best mode for experience grind

Additionally, joining a clan is a great way for players to aid each other in leveling up, as there is an experience sharing system built-in. Because of that, it is highly recommended that players who are looking to rank up fast join an active Call of Duty Mobile clan.

According to an official announcement, Call of Duty Mobile controller support has been temporarily disabled. This means players cannot take advantage of easier controls anymore and have to work with touchscreens. We hope this will not be an obstacle in your road to higher levels.

Please check out this post for information related to the zombie mode of Call of Duty: Mobile.