Have you ever wondered where those leakers get their information from? Well, look no further - with PUBG Mobile being a Chinese game developed by Tencent, the Chinese "Game for Peace" version always get all the new updates and features first. While they get to try the new content first, you can say that the Chinese playerbase is a sort of tester for the global update a few weeks later. This is where the leakers come in - they download and play the Chinese version whenever update hit so that they could report about the new features.

Game for Peace is one of the most popular mobile game in China currently

In this article, we would give you a guide to get the Chinese version of PUBG Mobile installed on your device.

1 - Why was "Game For Peace" created?

After PUBG PC's huge success in the global gaming community, Tencent has gotten the right to create a mobile version. Initially, they released the completed version of the game in China as a test, but after various warnings from the government, they decided to scrap the thing and create another version, one without all the "violent elements". For example, characters don't bleed in Game For Peace - muzzle flashes replace the blood and gore. When people run out of HP, they kneel, surrender their items, and wave goodbye.

Game For Peace was released in China in March 2019, way after PUBG Mobile's global release, but they always get the new updates first.

2 - How to download and play "Game For Peace"?

Game for Peace on Tap Tap
  • Download the Tap Tap client then install the game. Enable "Allow from unknown sources" if you haven't.
  • Create a free WeChat or QQ account then login to the game using those.

Afterward, you would be able to test out the new features as much as you like - interested in more of our articles related to PUBG Mobile? Please check out this post for the top 5 locations to get the sniper rifles on Erangel.