Kokomi and Ganyu are going to rerun in the second phase of the 3.0 update. They are both powerful 5 star DPS characters capable of clearing hard content in Genshin Impact.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to compare both characters to see which one is worth pulling for.

Why should you pick Ganyu?

One of the earliest characters released in Genshin, Ganyu is a powerful DPS choice for players who loves using bows and ranged attacks. Her kit is pretty well designed, with high base crit damage, multiple AoE skills and the ability to support other Cryo characters in the team. Ganyu can shine in Freeze and Melt teams where her Cryo application plays a major role in trigger reactions.

She is relatively f2p friendly - players don't need any constellations on her. Ganyu is already near her full damage potential at C0, and if players get her to C1, she would gain a bit of Cyro shred.

The new Hunter's Path weapon in 3.0 banner is actually the best bow for her to date. If you are going to pull for Ganyu in the second wave, getting the bow beforehand is a good idea.

Ganyu's weaknesses

With 3.0 being the Dendro patch, Cryo characters like Ganyu get pretty much nothing, as the Element does not react with Dendro at all. However, the new gears that focus on Elemental Mastery are actually a decent choice for Melt and Reverse Melt team, which Ganyu is often in.

Players might need to run a shielder or healer for Ganyu, as her HP is somewhat low. Additionally, Ganyu's charged attacks take some time to charge up, and during that time she is vulnerable.

Why should you pick Kokomi?

Kokomi was one of the most underestimated characters ever released in Genshin. Everyone thought she is bad due to her Burst's -100% CRIT chance debuff. However, it makes up for that with a fantastic damage bonus and healing capability.

Firstly, Kokomi's Elemental skill is a summon that covers a wide area and can apply Hydro easily. This makes her a decent character in all reaction teams, especially in combination with the new Dendro characters who all have Dendro summons. Kokomi DPS teams can use the Bloom reaction to deal extra Dendro damage.

As her kit scales on HP%, Kokomi is super easy to build. While she can't crit, Kokomi still has decent DMG output with her Normal Attacks during her Elemental Burst mode. Additionally, her normal attacks would heal the entire team, making the party pretty much unkillable.

Kokomi's weaknesses

The first and most obvious weakness of Kokomi is her inability to crit. You won't see any flashy big numbers coming out of her. With her Burst having a high energy cost, players might need a bit of ER support to make Kokomi more consistent.

Kokomi also lacks AoE, making it hard for her to clear waves of mobs.


Overall, if you want a strong, glass cannon DPS, Ganyu is the better choice. However, if your lineup is in need of a Hydro enabler who can deal a bit of damage and heal, Kokomi is the better pick.

>>> Read more: Top 5 Most Notable New Features In Genshin Impact 3.0