Genshin Impact 3.1 is coming out at the end of September, with Cyno, Nilou and Candace making their debut. Cyno is a 5-star Electro Polearm character whose kit is pretty much a more powerful version of Razor. He has been getting buffed repeatedly and is likely to become the best character in the patch.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase a list of all Cyno Ascension Materials in Genshin Impact.

Cyno Ascension Materials

Below are the ascension materials of Tighnari. All of them are from Sumeru so players would not be able to pre-farm.

Ascension Phase Stone Boss
Phase 1 Vajrada Amethyst Sliver x1 Scarab x3 Divining Scroll x3
Phase 2 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment x3 Thunderclap Fruitcore x2 Scarab x10 Divining Scroll x15
Phase 3 Vajrada Amethyst Fragment x6 Thunderclap Fruitcore x4 Scarab x20 Sealed Scroll x12
Phase 4 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk x3 Thunderclap Fruitcore x8 Scarab x30 Sealed Scroll x18
Phase 5 Vajrada Amethyst Chunk x6 Thunderclap Fruitcore x12 Scarab x45 Forbidden Curse Scroll x12
Phase 6 Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone x6 Thunderclap Fruitcore x20 Scarab x60 Forbidden Curse Scroll x24

Currently, players won't be able to farm the local specialty, Scarab, needed for Cyno's ascension. It is in the desert section of the Sumeru map that's going to be released in 3.1.

The rest of his ascension mats are pretty easy to get - players can just spend their original resin on Electro Regisvine to farm Thunderclap Fruitcore and Vajrada Amethyst Gemstones simultaneously. The scrolls for his ascension and talent can be farmed from Samachurls.

Cyno Talent Materials

Level Up
Teachings of Admonition x3 Divining Scroll x6
Guide to Admonition x2 Sealed Scroll x3
Guide to Admonition x4 Sealed Scroll x4
Guide to Admonition x6 Sealed Scroll x6
Guide to Admonition x9 Sealed Scroll x9
Philosophies of Admonition x4 Forbidden Curse Scroll x4 Mudra of the Malefic General x1
Philosophies of Admonition x6 Forbidden Curse Scroll x6 Mudra of the Malefic General x1
Philosophies of Admonition x12 Forbidden Curse Scroll x9 Mudra of the Malefic General x2
Philosophies of Admonition x16 Forbidden Curse Scroll x12 Mudra of the Malefic General x2

Admonition Talent Books can be farmed from the Steeple of Ignorance talent domain. Travelers will have to farm these from the domain on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays.

The last material from weekly boss drops, Mudra of the Malefic General, can be acquired from the Raiden Shogun weekly boss domain.

How strong is Cyno?

As Cyno is a main DPS character who makes use of all his kit to deal damage, players will need to farm a lot of materials to unlock all 3 of his talents. Usually, some characters can skip one or even two talents.

His Electro pairs well with the new Dendro element causing a powerful catalyze effect, but there are a few different ways to build Cyno depending on who else you have in your party. If your party features Hydro characters, you could also capitalize on the hyperbloom reaction.

>>> Read more: Genshin Impact Candace - Abilities, Constellations, Ascension Materials Revealed