We first reported on Minecraft Earth when it was just revealed back in May, and then in July, a closed beta was released in several selected regions including Seattle, London, Tokyo, and Stockholm. Now, developer Mojang has just put the augmented reality version of its popular game Minecraft up for pre-registration on the Google Play Store. Furthermore, it seems that we’ll be getting another beta wave in the upcoming week.

Minecraft Earth Reveal Trailer

While Mojang has not confirmed whether this beta will be open or closed, a recent tweet on the official Twitter page of Minecraft Earth has a link directing to a sign-up page, so we have reasons to guess that this will be another closed beta in which you need an invite to participate, similar to the previous one.

Another thing worth noting is that the two listings are apparently not related, so pre-registering for the game on Google Play will NOT mean you’ll be selected to participate in the beta. For that, you'll have to head over to the official website of Mojang to apply.

Minecraft Earth Gameplay
This game allows you to build things in the physical world

We still haven’t got any information on the official release date of Minecraft Earth yet, but the pre-reg listing and the upcoming beta indicates that it is nearing the finishing line. According to the game’s Play Store page, it will include in-app purchases at launch, but it is not out yet, no prices are revealed either.

Another wave of beta is coming next week!

There are still a lot of questions we have not got answers for to be sure, but hopefully, the upcoming beta will offer more insight. If you want like to try your luck, don’t hesitate to apply for beta access on Mojang's website, as it doesn’t cost you anything but a bit of time. And of course, don’t forget to stay tuned for the latest update!