When The Elder Scrolls: Blades was announced for Android and iOS earlier this year, it attracted a lot of attention from fans of the Elder Scrolls series, and of Bethesda games in general. The game was supposed to launch before 2018 ends, but now it seems like the developer will not be able to meet this deadline.


The Elder Scrolls: Blades E3 2018 Reveal

Bethesda has just made an announcement that The Elder Scrolls: Blades is not going to be released this year as originally planned. Instead, the launch date has been pushed back to sometime in 2019. The game is still open for Early Access signups, so we can still hope that a beta version is going to be available in the near future.

Console-quality graphics with a true Elder Scrolls vibe

The Elder Scrolls: Blades is a first-person action RPG that sees the player take the role of a member of the Blades (the personal bodyguards of the Emperor). After being exiled, the main character returns to his or her hometown only to find it in ruins. Now, it is up to the player to restore the town to its former glory.

Ever since Blades was revealed at E3 this year, it has drawn a lot of interest thanks to its beautiful console-level graphics and solid touch-and-swipe controls. Even though the game doesn’t appear to be open-world like other titles in the franchise, it is still Elder Scrolls at heart, with full character creation and customization, tons of familiar weapons and armor, including the iconic Daedric Set, and immersive dungeons.

Iconic weapons and armor

The Elder Scrolls: Blades features three main game modes. In the main story mode, as stated, players will be rebuilding their town however they wish, and doing so will unlock new quests and NPCs. Meanwhile, the Abyss is an endless roguelike dungeon that challenges players to get as far as possible. There is also a multiplayer Arena mode, where players can face each other in one-on-one combats.

Three main game modes

Right now there is no specific release date for The Elder Scrolls: Blades yet. We will keep you updated on this highly-anticipated title as soon as there is more information, so stay tuned.