A few weeks ago, just after the conclusion of PMCO, MortaL announced his break from the competitive scene of PUBG Mobile to focus on being a YouTuber and streaming.

Because of that, Team SouL had been looking for a new player to fill in MortaL’s slot in PUBG Mobile India Tour 2019. That question was answered pretty much immediately after that by sc0utOP. After achieving a mutual understanding with his ex-teammates in TeamIND and his soon to be teammates in Team SouL, sc0utOP announced his decision to the public. All in all, this PMIT 2019 seems to be one of the most exciting yet.

However, this lineup was short-lived. As the real reason will be revealed by Owais himself, Ronak and Viper haven’t said anything further about the topic. Below is the video in which SouL Ronak explains briefly about the situation at hand.
The next iteration of team SouL is still unconfirmed. Ronak and Viper are definitely going to be a part of the squad, with the other two members joining in the future.
Back to sc0utOP and Owais, there is not much information about which team they will be on for PMIT Furthermore, sc0utOP has mentioned in one of his recent streams – that their lineup would be revealed after they register for the tournament and not before.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that the PMCO registration would end on the 22nd of August. Because of that, their lineups probably would be revealed in a few days.
As for PUBG Mobile India Tour 2019, the final deadline for contenders to register is August 25. Owais and sc0ut are the best players in the PUBG Mobile Circuit, and the fans want to see all of them performing in the grand stages.
As for previously mentioned situations of Team SouL and TeamIND, you can find out more in this post and this post.