James Yang, the Director of the PUBG MOBILE Global Esports has just made a special announcement about the upcoming PUBG Mobile World League. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it is impossible to hold the PUBG Mobile World League offline. Hosting the tournament online is also not a great option as there will be players from all around the world so the ping among teams will be varied.

However, PUBG Mobile has come to a not-the-best but good enough solution. They have decided to make this tournament a special season called PUBG Mobile World League Season Zero.

PUBG Mobile World League Zero format explained

The PUBG Mobile World League Season Zero will start from July 10 to August 9. The total prize pool for the event will be $850,000, the biggest prize pool for a single PUBG Mobile event ever.

The PUBG Mobile World League Zero will start on July 10 and there will be no PUBG Mobile World Championship

To put it simply, there will be no PUBG Mobile World Championship this season and the PUBG Mobile World League Zero will be the final tournament. This way, the ping problems will be solved so teams can still compete at their best.

Also, as announced earlier, the number of slots in the PUBG Mobile World League East Division and West Division will be increased to 20 slots.

After the PUBG Mobile World League Season Zero ends, PUBG Mobile Esports will move on to the Fall Season. The registration of the PUBG Mobile Open Club Fall Split is starting in 10 days on June 24.

The registration of the PUBG Mobile Open Club Fall Split is starting in 10 days on June 24

According to some leaks from pro players, there will be a PUBG Mobile World Championship for the Fall Season with a prize pool of $450,000 at the end of this year.

Read more: PUBG Mobile World League 2020 Schedule, Format, And Prize Pool Leaked By Contenders.

PUBG Mobile World League Zero- Qualified teams

The PUBG Mobile World League East League only has 3 slots left, which will be settled today. As for the PUBG Mobile World League West League, there are still many slots left for teams from the PMPL America

List of qualified teams for the PUBG Mobile World League East League
List of qualified teams in the PUBG Mobile World League West League

Read more: PUBG Mobile World League Adds 2 More Slots For PMPL South Asia.