The newest PUBG Mobile version update is ready to get online, bringing along loads of new modifications and additions to the game. These changes are promised to deliver fun and excitement to the game. Here is what to explore in this long-awaited update.

The Payload mode

The new payload mode is going to be very interesting

The first thing to be noticed in this update is the appearance of the new mode called The Payload, an Evogrounds mode, with the gameplay taking place in Erangel. The mode features 5 new weapons, including M3E1-A, MGL Grenade launcher, a Sawed-off Grenade launcher, and an RPG-7.

First Look Of The Payload Mode

The Payload Mode also introduces two exclusive vehicles: a BRDM vehicle and the much-awaited helicopter, joined by the Vehicle Repair Kits. The mode also allows Respawning. Eliminated players leave behind ID’s card on the ground. By picking up these cards and bring them to the Respawning Tower, survivors can revive their fallen comrades


The spray can symbol

Graffiti stickers is another addition to expect in this update. These stickers can be bought with silver fragments. For now, only three graffiti is displayed in the Beta version: The Chicken Dinner, the Jack-o'-Lantern and the Helmet Graffiti.

The Chicken Dinner Graffiti

No description is given for the three stickers, so the information about the number of use permitted in a match, or how long a spray lasts, etc, remains unknown.

The Lv.3 Helmet Graffiti

However, a spray can symbol has been noticed next to the speaker symbols on the interface.

The Jack-o'-Lantern Graffiti

New map added to TDM mode?

When the Beta came online, a new map was spotted in the Team Death Match mode. TDM, as it’s called, is a mode where continuous and consecutive fights occur among players, with endless respawning and infinite resources. In the new map, players will be fighting in ancient ruins. The ruins consist of four main buildings, divided into two bases, separated by passages and patches.

The new TDM map

The map is promised to make gameplay more difficult and interesting, for its size is considered somewhat bigger than the existing Warehouse Map. However, now it can no longer be found in the Beta.

Interested in more of our PUBG Mobile contents? Check out this link for a complete guide of the Sanhok map.