In a recent post on their social media handles, Riot Games announced that they will remove the League of Legends: Wild Rift Americas account transfer feature soon. More specifically, any players who reside in the Americas region must migrate Wild Rift accounts as soon as possible.

Wild Rift Americas Account Transfer Feature
If you don't know, migrating your Wild Rift account is just opening the game without using a VPN. When the mobile MOBA game was first released last year, a lot of people got in the beta testing phase using VPNs. When the game finally launched in the Americas, Riot Games allowed players to migrate their beta accounts over. This ensures a better gaming experience with stable pings, making it one of the best MOBA games for Android in 2021.
However, the game publisher announced that Wild Rift Americas will close the migration feature soon. That means players can no longer transfer the data to the Americans' server. But as of now, there's still time to do so. The official date of the shutdown of the account transfer feature for Wild Rift Americas will come later.
How to Migrate Account to Wild Rift Americas Server?
To migrate your account to the Americas Server, players only have to launch Wild Rift without a VPN. The game will automatically detect your actual region and change it. However, do keep in mind that migrating your account will revert your progress back to the start. However, all the Wild Cores, cosmetics, and skins purchased will be refunded.

This is quite a big concern for players who have spent hours grinding their levels on other servers. Those who couldn't wait for the official launch of Wild Rift for their regions moved towards others and played using a VPN.

Though they will get their money and skin back in the new account, the experience is considered gone.
>>> Also Read: How To Play Wild Rift? A Complete Guide For Beginners