The Rytec AMR is the latest addition to COD Mobile's armory. It came along with the new Season 6: The Heat. The Rytec AMR in COD Mobile is a semi-automatic sniper rifle with thermite and explosive rounds. They can easily blow up and destroying enemies, vehicles, or anything that stands in their way.

Here's how you can unlock this amazing SR, absolutely free of charge!
Unlock The Rytec AMR In COD Mobile For Free
The Rytec AMR is available as a completion reward for a Seasonal Challenge in the latest version of COD Mobile. The challenge is called “Sharpshooter”. You can complete the tasks in the challenge to acquire the new SR for free. However, if you want its legendary skins, prepare to spend some money drawing it from the spin.
Before we get to the list of missions you need to fulfill, there's a quick notice. You'll need to complete the tasks in chronological order, or exactly how we list them below. Otherwise, your progress won't count.

Here are your challenges to unlock the Rytec AMR in COD Mobile:
- Kill 15 Enemies with any Sniper Rifle in MP Matches: 10x Weapon XP card, 1000 Battle Pass XP
- Earn the Long Shot Medal 15 times in MP Matches: 300 Credits, 2000 Battle Pass XP
- Loot 3 Sniper Rifles in BR Matches: Fiona on Vacay series spray, 3000 Battle Pass XP
- Kill 5 enemies with Sniper Rifles in BR Matches: 20x Weapon XP Cards, 4000 Battle Pass XP
- Kill 10 Enemies with any Sniper Rifle equipped with the Agile and Toughness Perks equipped: .50 GS-Mosaic, 4000 Battle Pass XP
- Take out 15 enemies with any Locus equipped with any Stock: Summer Standoff Calling Card, 4000 Battle Pass XP
- Win 3 Matches with any Locus equipped with any 5 attachments: Rytec AMR Sniper Rifle, 5000 Battle Pass XP
How To Equip Rytec AMR In COD Mobile?
Once you have unlocked the Rytec AMR, it's time for a little test! You can equip this weapon for both Multiplayer and Battle Royale mode. If you're wondering whether the Rytec AMR worths using, let us assure you, it's one of the COD Mobile top-tier guns in the current season.

Multiplayer Mode
Follow the steps below to equip the Rytec AMR for your loadout:
- From the game’s main menu, go to ‘Loadout’. It's at the bottom of the screen, next to ‘Clan’.
- Choose a loadout with which you’d like to use the Rytec.
- Click on the Primary slot, scroll down to snipers. Swipe left to get to the Rytec. Press ‘Quick Equip’ to equip the Rifle.

Battle Royale Mode
You cannot equip this weapon directly for Battle Royale. Instead, you can only add it to custom inventory and then get it from an airdrop.
- Head to ‘Loadout’, choose ‘Battle Royale’.
- Click on the ‘Customize Airdrop Weapon’ option. Click on the left side on the option labeled ‘Sniper’.
- Quick Equip the Rytec AMR now in your loadout.
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