Solo vs squad is often a panic situation in PUBG Mobile. You need to fight off four enemies while being the last man on your team. Here are some insane tips to win a solo vs squad mode you may need.

Solo Vs Squad Tips In PUBG Mobile

If you are the last man in your squad, try to survive instead of playing aggressively. Here are tips and tricks to survive and win the match when you go solo.

  • Don't head to hot-drop locations. Avoid encountering many squads at once because it's harder to clear eight enemies in close-range combat.
Do Not Drop In Crowded Places
  • Don't engage in open fights without cover. Find a cover before engaging in combat. For example, a building is a nice place to fight. You can move upstairs or downstairs to confuse enemies. If the enemies throw some grenades and Molotovs to rush, you can jump out of the building. Besides, the top floor can be a good place to camp and shoot down.
Use Full Auto Guns To Spray Bullets
  • Calm down, hold your position, wait for the enemies squad to separate, and make one to two kills before they react. You need to scout the position of all enemies before they can spot you. It requires you a good scouting ability.
Loot Airdrops To Get Beast Weapons
  • Loot airdrops to get camouflage outfits and beast weapons, such as M249 and Mk14. The camouflage is very important for solo players. It can help you hide better on grassland or the terrain with the same color.
Loot Camouflage To Help You Hide
  • Use smoke to cover when you look on the open ground. Besides, it also helps cover some directions so that the enemies from other directions won't spot and shoot you. Stay near the edge of the smoke or the enemy squad will kill you will a frag grenade, Molotov, or car crash.
Wait Until The Enemy Squad Separate
  • Use at least one powerful assault rifle with an extended quickdraw mag to spray bullets. It's better to use a combo of two ARs.