Skin is a very important system in Free Fire. Besides looking good, they also provide essential stats to strengthen the gun and improve your combat ability. In this article, we would list out the top 10 gun skins in Free Fire in 2021.

We would divide the list based on the class of the weapon - only ARs, Shotguns, SMGs and Snipers would be on this list.

1 - Assault Rifles

Megalodon Alpha SCAR

  • Damage +
  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Reload Speed -

When maxed, the SCAR Megalodon Alpha has the following bonuses: + Damage, ++ Fire Rate and - Reload Speed. The combo of damage and Fire Rate is probably the best in Free Fire outside of a few specific cases... and people usually prefer a higher fire rate than damage for an easier time getting headshots.

The Megalodon Alpha fits perfectly into the top tier category. The demerit in Reload Speed is not much of a problem at all... as it does not affect the gun's damage output.

Blue Flame Draco AK

  • Damage +
  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Movement Speed -

If you are pumping money into Free Fire... nothing would be able to beat this skin in the flashy department. The Blue Flame Draco AK is probably amongst the best-looking skins ever released. The already high damage of the AK is boosted even further, with an even higher rate of fire.

You would be able to tap shot much easier with the higher bullet damage.

Titan SCAR

  • Damage +
  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Magazine -

This is pretty much a perfect legendary skin, with bonuses on both damage and fire rate, the two best stats of a weapon. The demerit is rather minimal, as a smaller magazine is not really important for such a big gun like SCAR. The extra rate of fire would aid the players a lot in scoring drag headshots - one of the more popular advanced techniques.

M4A1 Scorching Sands

  • Damage +
  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Magazine -

The vine-covered Scorching Sands M4A1 is probably the best M4 skin in the game, with bonuses on damage and fire rate. All main guns in the AR class need the damage and fire rate... and the M4A1 is not an exception. Its look is fairly unique too, with an eye and vines covering the gun's body.

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2 - Shotguns

M1014 Apocalyptic Red

The Apocalyptic Red is an incubator skin that was just added to the game in the recent Rampage 2.0 patch. The 6 shots M1014 is already strong in its base form - with the extra fire rate of the M1014, you would be able to combat much better in melee than usual. The Apocalyptic Red looks pretty cool - it has a wheel on its body... and its barrel is always on fire.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Reload Speed +
  • Magazine -

Apocalyptic Green M1014

  • Range++
  • Rate of Fire+
  • Reload Speed-

Another skin from the Apocalyptic series - the Green focuses on range instead of fire rate like the Red was. The range increase also reduces the spread of the weapon, which in turn increases damage and headshot potential.

3 - SMGs

UMP Cataclysm

  • Damage++
  • Range+
  • Magazine-

This is the best skin in the game for the UMP. With a massive + 2 in damage and a decent range increase, the Cataclysm skin massively improved the UMP's potential damage output. With the gun already having a big magazine, the drawback of the skin means nothing.

Flashing Spade MP40

  • Damage++
  • Rate of Fire+
  • Range-

This incubator skin is one of the rarest skins in the game. It was part of the Incubator MP40 event last year. Besides the massive damage boost, the Flashing Spade also makes the MP40 even faster. With the MP40 already being the fastest weapon in the game, the damage you could push out with the Flashing Spade skin equipped would be unreal.

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4 - Sniper Rifles

Duke Swallowtail (butterfly) AWM

  • Rate of Fire++
  • Magazine+
  • Reload Speed-

This skin nullified a lot of the drawbacks when using the AWM... with only a small demerit of lower reload speed. If you are a sniper main, this skin is definitely worth getting, as the rate of fire boost makes the gun so much better.

Kar98k Great Plunder

  • Armor Penetration ++
  • Magazine -

After the Biometric scope was added into the game, the Kar98k has become relevant once again. Nothing beats extra armor penetration on a sniper rifle. The Great Plunderer skin enables the Kar98k to deal even more damage on headshots, even if the target is wearing a helmet. The magazine demerit does not matter much at all.

This is the end of our list for the top 10 gun skins in Free Fire 2021. Interested in more of our articles related to Garena Free Fire? Please check out this post to find out more about the top 10 Best Weapons To Use In 2021.