The VSS  is probably one of the weirdest weapons in Free Fire - it is like the hybrid of an SMG and a Sniper Rifle... with long-range but not as much damage. In Free Fire, anything with long-range is automatically serviceable... and the VSS is not an exception.

In this article, we would list out the top 5 strongest VSS skins in the game.

5 - VSS Vandal Revolt

The VSS Vandal Revolt is both good looking and powerful - with the double bonus in fire rate, it would be more versatile in close range than the base version of the gun. The Vandal Revolt pattern looks really good as well, with a yellow face in the middle and everything else from barrel to scope decorated with neon blue.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Range -
VSS Vandal Revolt
VSS Vandal Revolt

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4 - VSS Pink Love

The VSS Pink Love has the same bonus as the Vandal Revolt, but its demerit is better - reload speed usually does not matter much when you are using the VSS, as it already has a decently fast reload time. The VSS Pink Love does not look as good as the Vandal Revolt, however, as its handle is not decorated.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Reload Speed -
VSS Pink Love
VSS Pink Love

3 - VSS Death's Eye

The VSS Death's Eye also has that same bonus... however, its demerit this time is the best - it would not affect your gunplay at all. The Death's Eye is also the best looking VSS in this list, with a grey skull decoration on the body of the weapon.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Magazine -
Death's Eye
Death's Eye

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2 - VSS Private's Eye

The Private Eye VSS is the second best VSS skin in the game... with a bonus of damage and accuracy. As people often use this gun to snipe, having more damage is actually better than attack speed. Its appearance is pretty decent, with brown and white decorations all over.

  • Damage +
  • Accuracy +
  • Magazine -
VSS Private's Eye
VSS Private's Eye

1 - VSS Rapper Underworld

The Rapper Underworld is outright the best VSS in the game with its ++ damage bonus. With this much damage, the gun could easily rival an AR in sniping from afar. The reduction of range is heavy... but it is a worthy exchange.

The Rapper Underworld VSS is also the best looking - it has a purple clown head on the body... along with golden chains all over the place.

  • Damage ++
  • Range -
VSS Rapper Underworld
VSS Rapper Underworld

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