While Free Fire is a really competitive Battle Royale game, it offers players a lot of different ways to have fun and express themselves. With a huge collection of emotes, Free Fire players can create a lot of funny moments when teasing the opponent or celebrating their victories.

In this article, we will show you the top 5 rarest emotes in Free Fire.

1. Obliteration

Obliteration is an exclusive emote released during the Free Fire x One Punch Man collaboration. It is one of the grand prizes in the Emote Party event, which players can only obtain through spinning using Diamonds.

Free Fire Emote

2. Doggie

Doggie is another rare emote in Free Fire that players often used to celebrate their victory. When using the emote, a Shiba will appear and start dancing with the character. The Shiba trying to match the dance move of the character makes this a super cute and rare emote.

3. Hadouken

The Hadouken emote was introduced during the Free Fire X Street Fighter collaboration. The emote can only be through an event called "Free Fighter’s Wish". While this is a super cool emote, not many people can actually obtain it because the chance to get it from the event was super small.

4. Flowers Of Love

Flowers of Love is an emote released during the Valentine's Day event in 2019. When you use the emote, your character will kneel down and take out a flower. The unique love gesture makes this emote one of the most sought-after emotes in Free Fire. This emote is currently available in the Valentine Wish event at the moment.

5. FFWC Throne

The FFWC Throne emote was introduced during the Free Fire World Cup series of 2019. When using the emote, it will summon a royal golden throne and your character will sit down on the throne with a badass pose.

>>>> Read more: Tips And Tricks To Win 4vs4 Fights In Free Fire