As a result of the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, millions, if not billions of people are now under lockdown. And for many of us, the lockdowns don't look like they will be ending anytime soon. Unsurprisingly, social media and messaging applications have become increasingly popular, and so have the WhatsApp games during lockdown.

What better time to spend your lockdown time than some WhatsApp games?

Seeing how about 2 billion people used WhatsApp just in February this year, imagine how many people are using the app these last couple of months when half of the world are staying home. One can imagine the quarantine games with friends you can play on WhatsApp must also be really popular.

WhatsApp is the most used messaging app out there. Well, it has always been the most used messaging app, period. In which case, why not try out quarantine games WhatsApp can offer? If you don't know how it is possible to figure out quarantine games to play on WhatsApp, check out these fun and easy to play challenges and games.

1. WhatsApp games during lockdown - Image games

The Leopard Test

Not all games will have to be via text messages. Here we have one that is played simply by sending this image. Ask the other player to find the leopard among the tigers and point to it.

Whatsapp games during lockdown: A fun image game you can play with your friends

The Dromedary Test

Same game as above but you change the animal species. You have to ask them to find the only dromedary that is among the sea of ​​camels. Camels have 2 humps, and dromedaries only 1.

Whatsapp games during lockdown: Here's another version of the same game

2. WhatsApp games during lockdown - Tests

Find the mistake

Next up on the quarantine games for WhatsApp, let's start with a simple one, the one that is either caught immediately or requires 50 tries before they tell you what the answer is. The idea is to play with the analytic skills of your WhatsApp contacts, and mentally challenge them. Send them the following text and ask them to find out where the mistake is:

Find the folowing error:

- One

- Two

- Three

- Four

- Five

- Six

- Seven

- Eight

- Nine

- Ten

The answer? Yes, the word "following" is spelled wrong!

The battery challenge

A game that plays with randomness, because we do not know what the battery percentage our contacts, friends or family have on their mobiles. They must answer the following questions according to the percentage they have left:

90% or more - Tell me the name of the person you like.

80% or more - Tell me a secret.

60% or more - Describe our relationship with the name of a movie.

40% or more - What did you think of me when we first met?

20% or more - Describe me with an emoji

10% or more - Send the last 5 photos you have in the mobile gallery

9% or less - Tell me a joke before you run out of battery

How much do you know your friend / partner / family member?

We may think we know everything about the family we live with, the closest friends or our partner, but is that so? This is the typical question and answer game that allows you to get to know someone more:

  • What is the name of your best friend?
  • Who was the last person you kissed?
  • Do you have a secret tattoo?
  • What is your favorite song?
  • Do you prefer movies or books?
  • What is your favorite show?
  • Do you have any hidden talents?
  • What do you look at first when meeting someone?
  • Who is the most important person in your life?
  • What is your favorite sport?
  • Have you ever friend-zoned someone?
  • Have you ever cried for someone?

Emoji tests

Here's a common type of quarantine games for WhatsApp. A fun challenge as well, since the possibilities with emojis are endless. You can play guessing games by describing the title of a movie or song with emojis, and they'll need to find out what it is. Another challenge is to talk about your day, what you would like to have for dinner, or what you bought for your last grocery purchase, using only emojis, no words allowed.

Alphabet dare quarantine games for WhatsApp

Your contact must choose a letter on the alphabet, and depending on the chosen one, he or she must perform a challenge. Here's the Latin alphabet example:

A - Update your WhatsApp status with "I'm crazy / crazy"

B - Send me a picture of your hands

C - Sing the chorus of your favorite song

D - Say "I love you" in a different language

E - Tell me the name of someone you like

F - Change your profile picture for mine

G - Profess your feelings to your crush

Whatsapp games during lockdown: Can you guess these actors/actresses?

H - Take a selfie and put a fun filter on it

I - Submit a stylish marriage proposal

J - Tell me a joke

K - Send me the last photo you took with your mobile

L - Your ex's name

M - Make me a video call and make me laugh without laughing yourself

N - Put on the first hat or cap you see and take a selfie

O - Tell me a secret

P - Describe your relationship with the name of a movie

Q - Describe your mood using a GIF

R - What did you eat today?

S - What did you think of me when you met me?

T - How much money do you have in your wallet right now?

U - Your sex life in a GIF

V - Send a screenshot of the main screen of your mobile

W - Dance for 10 seconds and send me a video

X - Write a message with the mobile upside down

Y - Dedicate a song to me

Z - Send a photo of what you want to do when the quarantine ends

English acronyms test

Generally, a hand has 5 fingers, and a week has 7 days. These obvious things may not be so obvious if you use initials or just the initial letter instead of whole words. Here are several phraes that your contacts should find out. Some are easy, and others more tricky:

- 206 B in the B

- 24 H in a D

- 7 W of the W

- 5 F on one H

- 7 D in a W

- 64 S on a C

- 12 S of the Z

Whatsapp games during lockdown: Great way to spend time with your partner using WhatsApp games

The answers to each sentence, in the same order, are:

- 206 bones in the body

- 24 hours in a day

- 7 wonders of the world

- 5 fingers on one hand

- 7 days in a week

- 64 squares on a chessboard

- 12 signs of the zodiac

Clairvoyance quarantine games for WhatsApp

Ideal for singles, this game works with a contact sending you a number from 1 to 10. According to the number, this will be your future partner:

1- Grumpy

2- Kind

3- They will like to kiss you all the time.

4- Everyday will be a honeymoon.

5- Twin souls

6- Affectionate and attentive

7- Impatient

8- Your partner won't be ideal at all, sorry to say.

9- They will want to be with you day and night.

10- True love

So these were the fun WhatsApp games during lockdown that you can play immediately that are not complicated quarantine games online that require a powerful device nor a lot of investment in free time.

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