Debt is truly a really crippling burden, even more so if you are not good with your job. In Dandy & Randy, you will help the awful archaeologists finding treasures on a very dangerous island to pay off their debt.

Awful archaeologists duo

This bad reputation brought on them a quite considerable amount of debt.

Our plucky duo is famous for being bad at their job, they are awful archaeologists. This bad reputation brought on them a quite considerable amount of debt. In a moment of luck, they got a hint on a very far away island which is full of treasures. There is also a very valuable gem in the heart of the island.

With such promising payoff, this indebted duo is heading to the destination island. But they find its full of puzzles, monsters, and dangerous traps.

Either way, you will control this duo to guide them to escape from dangers.

In Dandy & Randy, you could go solo or play co-op with a partner. Either way, you will control this duo to guide them to escape from dangers. Utilize your hand-eye coordination to control your character's move to dodge those spikes.

Some mission also requires one to distract the enemy while the other throw rocks at them. You have the numbers at your advantage, use it well. Especially, when there are 12 bosses in this title for you to topple.

Some mission also requires one to distract the enemy while the other throw rocks at them.

If you want to prove that you are a true master of archaeology, you could also take on the challenge of finding all hidden secrets in the five levels of the game.

If not, you could just collect your modest payout, then live your humble life. It is all up to you and your good friend.

Dandy & Randy is available now on Steam.