This E3 event, THQ Nordic has announced a new installment in their Darksiders franchise: Darksiders Genesis. According to the developers, this game is a totally new experience to the fans of the franchise, as this game is not a hack and slash title - instead, it will feature a top-down view with gameplay similar to Diablo.

Genesis is considered the spin-off of the Darksiders franchise and will be released at the end of 2019 for almost all the gaming platforms, including PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Google Stadia.

According to the developers' introduction, the game will feature two characters from the Horseman of the Apocalypse: War and Strife. While War is the protagonist of Darksiders 1, this is the first appearance of Strife as the playable character. Strife is described by the developers as a character with decisive traits and quick-tempered.

The story of Darksiders Genesis is a prequel to Darksiders 1, with the plan to "upset the Balance by granting power to master demons throughout Hell," of Demon King Lucifer happens in the background.

According to Joe Madureira, CEO of the game's developing company Airship Syndicate, the game's length will be roughly 15 hours.

Having two playable characters also brings to the game two-player co-op mode, while playing solo will allow you to switch between characters with a press of the button.

Darksiders Genesis will be released later this year for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Google Stadia.