Minecraft is a formidable name in the gaming industry in India with more and more players joining the game. It's also among the most popular games in the country in 2020-2021. Unlike other dominant BR titles which emphasize fighting skills, Minecraft inclines towards inventory and strategic features.
Together with its increasing popularity, there are a variety of gaming strategies shared in online forums, including how to find Nether Fortress in Minecraft. Today, let's find out how you can locate and exploit a Nether fortress in the game.
Table of Contents

About Nether Fortress in Minecraft
Nether Fortress is a natural structure that resembles a big castle and is made of nether bricks. It includes a series of bridges as well as large pillars rising from the lava underneath.
A Nether Fortress in Minecraft helps generate Nether biomes. You can find this structure in the nether realm. It usually spawns partially inside the Netherrack. This makes it difficult to find the Nether Fortress though there are many ways to do so.
How To Find Nether Fortress In Minecraft
This structure looks like a big castle with the outsiders made of nether bricks. There are many resources in Nether Fortresses that you may need, including some exclusive and rare resources. That's also the reason why a lot of Minecraft players want to locate Nether Fortresses and explore those castles.
There are 5 ways to find Nether Fortress in Minecraft which involve raising the render distance, going straight to positive X-axis, following the Nether Fortress bridges, making bridges over lava oceans and checking your surrounding areas.

Below are detailed guidelines for each method to find it in the game.
#1. Raise The Render Distance
This guide on how to find a Nether Fortress suggests that you should leave the render distance high to spot the fortress easier and faster. If you leave this status low, it's very hard to spot this structure. If you leave the render distance at 32, you can spot the fortress spawned 32 chunks away from you. Increasing this status helps you see the fortress from a near to far distance.

#2. Go Straight To Positive X-axis
If you don't know how to find Nether Fortress near your location, go to the positive X-axis. The spawn rate of Nether Fortress is higher on the X-axis in the North and Z-axis in the West. Then, Minecraft players have more chances to find a Nether Fortress there. Besides, you should always check the surrounding areas on the way to those places of Nether Fortress. This structure is spawned randomly around the map. Therefore, you can't predict where and when to find a Nether Fortress on your map.

#3. Follow The Nether Fortress Bridges
When exploring Nether Fortress, you can follow the bridges inside that fortress to find more Nether fortresses. Many Nether Fortresses are linking together via nether bridges. Therefore, sometimes, you can find many surrounding Nether Fortresses when going further along the bridge in the fortress you are exploring.

#4. Make Bridges Over Lava Oceans
Many Nether Fortresses poke up from the Lava oceans. You need to cross those deadly lava oceans to explore Nether Fortresses and loot necessary resources. Use strong blocks and cobblestones with high resistance to build a bridge crossing over the lava ocean so that you won't drop into the lava and die. Therefore, you need to bring enough materials to build bridges when finding a Nether Fortress in a lava ocean.

#5. Check Surrounding Areas
As mentioned in the previous section, Nether Fortresses are spawned randomly all over the Minecraft world. Therefore, it can be very close to you. Increase the render distance and always check the surrounding areas. Some fortresses are hidden behind Netherrack blocks. Thus, you must check them out carefully. Don't go to bastion remnants to find this structure because it's not spawned there.
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What To Exploit From Nether Fortresses?
There are many rare and exclusive resources in Nether Fortresses that you can exploit. Check out some significant benefits of Nether Fortresses in Minecraft here to have more reasons to learn how to find Nether Fortress in Minecraft.

#1. Loot Chests In Nether Fortresses
Lucky players can find a few chests inside Nether Fortresses. Some chests are spawned in various corridors insides these fortresses. Then, you can get a lot of supplies and resources from those chests, such as iron ingot, gold ingot, horse armor, obsidian, name tags, and saddles.

#2. Earn Blaze Spawner
You can also enter a special platform that monster spawners spawn Blaze. You can only find Blaze Spawner in Nether Fortresses in Minecraft. Then, you can use Blaze Spawner to increase the speed of XP farming in this game. With this feature, you can earn more XP than normal mobs.

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#3. Exploit Nether Wart Farm
Nether wart farm is another resource that you shouldn't miss when exploring Nether Fortresses. This supply is very rare. You can only farm it in bastion remnants or Nether Fortresses. You need to go to the end of the corridors and go down the staircase to find this supply. It's only spawned at the bottom of a staircase. Bring a tool to dig to find Nether wart farm and collect it.

#4. Other Benefits of Nether Fortresses in Minecraft
There are many other benefits of Nether Fortress that urge you to learn how to find these fortresses in Minecraft. For example, you can also get some wither skeleton skulls to decorate your house or summon the wither in this game. Besides, you can also use those fortresses as naturally generated player bases. It's also an ideal training ground with a lot of monsters to improve your combat skills in Minecraft.

This is a detailed guide on how to find Nether Fortress in Minecraft and some resources that you can exploit from those fortresses. Try to look for as many fortresses as possible to get rare and exclusive supplies.
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