If you are looking for some pure relaxing games to wind down on your laptop, then you should check out the massive ever-expanding collection of games on the Internet Archive. This website has a whole section dedicated to weird and cool MS-DOS games since the time immemorial. Just recently, Internet Archive has added 2,500 more games to its collection, reaching the number of almost 7,000 MS-DOS games.

Huge effort from  eXoDOS

According to Jason Scott (an archivist), this new batch of games was mainly possible thanks to the eXoDOS project.

eXoDOS is a project to obtain, catalog, and present all playable DOS games to the public

He explained that what made this a feat much more than just gathering a bunch of ancient, sketchy graphics games was how eXoDOS handled the process. Unlike what most people think, acquiring one full game and porting it to the PC environment were just the first steps.

DOS has been somewhat consistent in the last 40 years. However, lots of things have changed, and some specific games sometimes only works with some particular setups or hardware.  The developers have released these games, sold some copies, then those titles just disappear from store shelves and our memories without a trace. How would we find more information about those games?

Explore the novelty!

Therefore with the project eXoDOS, they have taken the extra steps with configuration and acquisition to preserve these titles.

Not every game is enjoyable

Or, you could also return to those classic titles such as SimCity; Prince of Persia

According to Scott, not all the games on their collection are fun to play. However, that also adds an interesting aspect to the collection. Amidst this large collection of game, who knows what will you stumble upon? Moreover, you could also return to those classic titles such as SimCity, Prince of Persia, and Oregon Trail.

You could also head out to Oregon again. The game is entirely playable for free from your browser via the website of the Internet Archive.

Like ever, you could play all these games entirely for free from your browser via the website of the Internet Archive.