You might or might not have heard of ArcheAge, but it is a medieval fantasy-themed MMORPG released back in 2013 and has since managed to attract a relatively big community. Now, another game set in the same universe, titled ArcheAge: Unchained, has been announced to be coming on the 30th of September. Check out its trailer below:

According to the developer, this new release aims to offer players a new way to experience this fantasy universe with a different business model. Instead of being free-to-play with a subscription service for in-game bonuses like the original ArcheAge, Unchained will grant players access to the entirety of the ArcheAge universe with just one single purchase. It is currently available for pre-order in 3 Founder Packs: the Silver Chainbreaker Pack that costs $25.99 (Rs 1870), the Gold Chainbreaker Pack that costs $49.99 (Rs 3600), and the Archeum Chainbreaker Pack that costs $79.99 (Rs 5750). All packages include the base game, early character creation, name reservation, as well as some in-game currency. Those who spend extra cash on the Gold and Archeum packs, though, will also receive several exclusive bonuses such as exclusive cosmetic items and emotes.

The game is set in a fantasy medieval world with plenty of areas, cities, and dungeons to explore

Still, since the goal of ArcheAge: Unchained is to deliver a fairer experience, there will reportedly be no shortcuts to obtain powerful equipment, no way for one to just simply buy an advantage over others. As a result, players will have nothing but their skills and dedication to rely on if they want to come out on top in battles.

Players will have nothing but their skills and dedication to rely on if they want to come out on top in battles.

The developer also promises that it will still continue to support the original ArcheAge with regular content updates, and both versions will co-exist at the same time. However, there is no way to transfer characters, items, or in-game currency between the two.

If you are interested in pre-ordering ArcheAge: Unchained, you can do so on the game’s official website.