What’s an MMORPG? Well, these oft-used letters represent the words “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game”, and refer to game titles where hundreds of players get together in the same world. For instance, in World of Warcraft, one of the most popular MMORPG, players live in new lands, exchange their daily life for one of adventure, benefit, and even danger.
If you’re versed in this kind of exciting game, here we have a list from which you can choose the best MMORPG game for PC that will certainly swallow up your entire days at a time. Let’s make a start!
Table of Contents

1. Blade & Soul
- Publisher: NCsoft
- Playerbase: High
- Genre: Action MMORPG
- Release Date: January 19, 2016
- PvP: Open World/Arenas/Battlegrounds
This is a Korean fantasy martial arts game that will certainly pique your interest. Blade & Soul sways players by its intricately-designed world, 10 compelling classes, and 4 unique races. No matter what character you choose to play, the versatile Jin, the mighty Gon, the mystical Lyn, or the master of natural world Yun, engaging in battle using a high-octane combat system will surely be a joy.
In addition, combo chains and rapid counters are crucially important whether you want to take your virtual scrapping in PvP or team up with your friends to tackle a plethora of dungeons.
2. Guild Wars 2
- Publisher: NCSOFT
- Playerbase: High
- Genre: F2P MMORPG (paid expansions)
- Release Date: August 28, 2012
- PvP: Arenas/Large scale World vs World
Guild Wars 2 is a weird yet one of the best MMORPG games for PC you can play. The game’s design is regarded as an attempt to fix and enhance all broken mechanics that online MMO games persist in pursuing.
In Guild Wars 2, players fight together in rolling events - the mini storylines, which play out in stages based on the players’ performance. This makes players gang together organically and has an impact on the location they’re in, decreasing the threat of roving bands of demons, for example.
The core game is currently entirely free to play.
3. Elder Scrolls Online
- Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
- Playerbase: High
- Genre: MMORPG
- Release Date: April 4, 2014
- PvP: Alliance Wars (Faction Wars)
Elder Scrolls Online is known as a strong entry for one of the best MMORPG games for PC free 2020.
The game starts in Coldharbour’s Wailing Prison where you, the player, is a prisoner. You are forced to escape from the prison to explore Tamriel, discover dungeons, battle against monsters and craft weapons with your fellow adventurers. Frankly, Elder Scrolls Online will always make players feel fresh thanks to a handful of expansions and planned future DLC releases.
4. Lord Of The Rings Online
- Publisher: Turbine
- Playerbase: High
- Genre: MMORPG
- Release Date: April 24, 2007
- PvP: Duels/Monster Play
Lord Of The Rings has a massive world for players to explore, great characters and fierce fights. In the game, you will be going on your own adventure, just follow the books. Each big plot point will come with new mechanics and the storyline is pushed forward by continued expansions.
If you have been harboring the dream of experiencing the world first hand of Tolkien, do not miss this free-to-play MMORPG game for PC.
5. World of Warcraft
- Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
- Playerbase: High
- Genre: Subscription MMORPG
- Release Date: November 23, 2004
- PvP: Duels/Arenas/World and Battlegrounds
We did mention this name earlier. Again, we dare say World of Warcraft (WOW) is no doubt the best free MMORPG game for PC in the world. During its long reign (over a decade), players have witnessed a lot of changes like new races, classes, continents and graphics…
The WOW sometimes appears a conventional MMO that defines the modern style of this genre, Blizzard still messed things up though. Download the game and feel this!
MMORPG games for PC: Conclusion
We’ve concluded our list of the fines MMORPGs available in the market right now. What MMORPG game for PC you choose to drive into is wholly up to you. Regardless of your decision, keep in mind that the best MMORPG is a ticket to new allies and new foes, of course. Engage in the battles, create your clans, and be ready for new adventures. Break a leg!
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