Many players of GTA Online are having trouble earning money as they don't actually know what they are doing. Therefore, we will show you a few easy but still really efficient tips to make more money. Since Rockstar Games keeps on adding new content regularly, GTA Online seems to be constantly evolving. The new content includes new cosmetics as well as new vehicles. One of the new feature even lets players start a biker gang of their own.
However, there are many players who are still selling stolen cars to Los Santos Customs or stealing a few hundred dollars from convenience stores. If you are one of them and don’t want to buy Shark Cards, these tips below may help you out:

Time Trials - $50,000/week
The first one of this list would be Time Trials. This is a highly efficient method, however, it is not really rewarding compared to the others. The Time Trials include many against-the-clock races which you can join every week. You can earn a considerable amount of money when you get below the given score. This will be extra easy once you have mastered the right route.

Unlike the other methods, this is a weekly event, you can’t replay it until it is available again. Therefore, it’s best for you to just pick up $50,000 nearly for free once a week and move on somewhere else. It is an amazing starting point for most players. Furthermore, you can start affording a few other jobs. All you need to do is find yourself a quick car and try not to crash.
Heists - $400,000-$1,000,000/hour depending on difficulty
These are among the best “money makers” in GTA Online. However, to efficiently accomplish it you will have to spend quite some time and put lots of effort in it. Particularly,with the Pacific Standard Heist you will have to rob a bank which would bring you the tidiest sum of money you can ever claim.
It would require $100,000 as startup fees; however, by completing just the easy mode you will earn $500,000. The reward for the normal mode would be $1,000,000 and $1,250,000 for the hard one. Therefore, players with more experience player can really make a fortune out of the Heists. You may need other players to help you obtain this easy profit. It only takes you about an hour of playtime.

Motorcycle Club missions - $100,000/hour
In GTA Online, you can now establish your own Biker Gang. You can actually earn money from these motorcycle clubs from passive tasks such as gun-running and drug smuggling. However, it takes them a lot of time and money to reach their fullest potential. Furthermore, the club’s base requires at least $200,000.
Still, if you have a motorcycle club, you can make money easily, you just have to get your hands a bit dirty. In the setup room, you can find the club missions. By completing those missions, you can get from £10k to £20k for each of them. The reward depends on the mission you choose.

These missions can be quite difficult to complete when it comes to public sessions. However, if you (and your friends) just want peace as well as quiet, you can go to a private session and do your work.
If you don’t die too often, each player can earn approximately $100,000 per hour.
VIP Work - $100,000-$150,000/hour
Now, for the high-roller who has already owned a business in GTA Online, these can also add more money to your fortune.
Just like the missions from the MCs, you can earn from $100,000 to $150,00 per hour with The VIP Work. The reward also depends on the type of the missions you choose. Furthermore, it is also based on how well you can bounce from one task to another. The three best tasks currently are Sightseer, Headhunter and Hostile Takeover.
We hope these tips can keep you far away from committing petty crimes as well as relentless death matches against other players while trying to earn some money.
As the Casino will be available soon, you may need every single dime you own before gambling it all away.