Dying Light 2 is an amazing zombie RPG that has raised a storm in the game industry. Like other open-world RPGs, players also gather EXP to level up in this game. Here are the best tips to level up faster you need to keep in mind.
#1. Take Parkour Challenges
Parkour challenge is a very popular activity in Dying Light 2. You can find this challenge everywhere in Villedor. You will get Parkour XP after completing these challenges. Players need to get to the targeted spot in the allowed time. Gathering as much XP as possible to level up faster in this game.

#2. Do Side Missions
Apart from Parkour challenges, players also need to do side missions to earn XP and level up quickly. After two or three main jobs, you will unlock side missions. It's a great chance for players to gain XP for skill trees and ranking up. Moreover, these side missions help you improve your combat and parkour skills.

#3. Get Night Bonus
Survival is more difficult at night in Dying Light 2. Therefore, players will get XP bonuses for completing every challenge and mission at night. If you are focusing on leveling up in this game, you should act after twilight. Running in night light, escaping zombies, and completing missions give players double XP to rank up faster. If you are a beginner, just act in daylight first.

#4. Loot Raiding Military Supply Drops
You also earn a lot of XP when you loot raiding military supply drops. Use your parkour and moving skills to get to a high building. Then, use the binoculars to scout the surrounding area and find supply drops. These supply crates are often dropped on the rooftops of high buildings and towers. You will get a massive amount of XP for looting these crates.

#5. Activate Metro Stations
Metro Stations are often hot spots in zombie games, including Dying Light 2. You will get a lot of fight points after activating these stations. But players need to access the Central Loop in the second part of the in-game map to find these stations. Then, you can travel faster on the map by using the metro system after activation.

#6. Activate Windmills
Apart from metro stations, Dying Light 2 players also get extra XP by activating windmills. These structures are scattered around the map. Players can use them as safe havens to have a rest after combat and storing belongings. You can also purchase necessary items from NPC in these windmills. So, you need to activate these useful safe spots.

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