Griefers are the most annoying thing to deal with in GTA Online. They usually ride the Oppressor MK2 or other flying vehicles and fire missiles to ruin your day. However, with the arrival of the Contract DLC, GTA players have gained a new way to deal with them. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the top 5 GTA Online vehicles with Missile Lock-On Jammer.
Previously, players can only access Imani Tech via the Celebrity Solution Agency. However, Hao's Special Works have changed that - there are more vehicles with missile jammers now.
Table of Contents
1. Pegassi Weaponized Ignus
The Pegassi Weaponized Ignus is the only weaponized vehicle in Hao's Special Works. It is a stronger variant of the original that comes pre-equipped with the missile lock-on jammer.

When upgraded with the PS5/XSX exclusive HSW improvements, the Weaponized Ignus can reach the crazy top speed of 146.25 mph (235.37 km/h). It also has a powerful minigun that can blow up smaller vehicles easily. It is probably the best vehicle for questing in GTA Online to date.
2. Mammoth Patriot Mil-Spec
The Mammoth Patriot Mil-Spec is a four-door offroad SUV added to GTA Online as part of The Contract update. It resembles the Hummer H1.

Defense-wise, the Patriot Mil-Spec has great resistance against explosions and bullets. Even its windows are bullet-resistant, which allows them to withstand 15 rounds from most firearms. Combined with the Missile Lock-on Jammer, players are pretty much invulnerable driving it.
Furthermore, players can also replace this with a remote control system that lets players turn the Patriot Mil-Spec into an RC car.
3. Dewbauchee Champion
The Dewbauchee Champion is a two-door coupé in Grand Theft Auto Online. Missile jammers work very well on racing cars, as they can dodge most manual attacks. With a top speed of 124.75 mph, players can use the Champion as a getaway car in most situations.

While the Champion has worse handling than other supercars, it can be equipped with machine guns and proximity mines.
4. Bravado Buffalo STX
The Bravado Buffalo STX is a 4-door muscle car in Grand Theft Auto Online. It is probably in the top 3 best muscle cars in the game, with good traction and braking power.

Like the Dominator GTX, the Bravado Buffalo does not lose traction upon hard cornering at high speeds like other muscle cars. It can also be installed with machine guns.
5. Enus Jubilee
The Enus Jubilee is a luxury four-door SUV featured in Grand Theft Auto Online as part of The Contract update. It is amongst the cheapest vehicles that have the option for a missile jammer.

Overall, it has good offensive and defensive capabilities, with acceptable handling. Experienced players won't have any problem using this car. It also has bullet-resistant windows, which are able to withstand 15 rounds from most firearms before being shattered.
>>> Read more: What Are The Best Hao's Special Works Vehicles In GTA Online?