GTA Online has a lot of exciting game modes that you could try... From Races To Deathmatches to Heists, the replayability of the game is just unreal. Amongst these modes, Arena War might be the best one yet - it combines elements from both Races and Deathmatches together.

In this article, we would list out the top 5 tips for you to succeed in this mode.

1 - Make use of the Deathbike

The Deathbike is the most powerful vehicle in this mode. It is a variant of the Gargoyle, which has extremely fast speed and is easy to control. You can pretty much outrun everything other than another Deathbike in this mode.

Its lower protection and armor can be fixed by upgrades.

2 - Customize and upgrade

Try to improve your Arena War vehicles as much as possible - you would need to own the vehicle to modify it. From machine gun turrets to proximity mines, The Arena War Workshop is full of fun toys that one can fit onto their vehicle to make it the ultimate death machine.

3 - Play as a team

Communicating and planning out the attack instead of mindlessly firing off rockets and turrets should be the priority in GTA Online. For example, immobilizing an enemy with an EMP so that your teammate can hit them with a missile is the kind of play that one should be making.

4 - Play defensively is also an option

While most people don't like to use slow, lumbering vehicles like the Scarab, they can be the perfect tactical bait, distracting enemies so that your damage dealers can wreak havoc. For example, in a Bomb Ball match, these giants can cover the entire length of the goal.

Players in this position would be "taking one for the team", experiencing hardship for the greater good.

5 - The bigger the match the better

XP gained from a match is exponentially higher the more the number of players who participated. Playing with friends and inviting other players is a good way to ensure that there are always enough players in the session.

Interested in more of our articles related to the GTA series? Please check out this post for the top 5 fastest bikes in the game.