GTA Online has been out for 7 years... and since then there have been a huge number of vehicles getting added to the game. While most are just there to look good, there are some "utility vehicles" that you need to acquire to fight more effectively.

In this article, we would list out the top 5 must-buy vehicles in the game.

1 - Armoured Kuruma

Price: $698,250 or $525,000 (After The Fleeca Job)

Kuruma Armored

This armored tank is invaluable in the early game of GTA Online, when protection is more important than speed. This car is almost impervious to bullets and rockets and can serve as a crutch in both heist setups and finals. Upon completion of the "tutorial heist" Flecca Job, you can buy the car for 100k cheaper.

2 - Bati 801

Price: $15,000

For an insanely cheap price of just 15k, you can get the Bati 901, one of the best starter bikes in GTA. Riding it, users can get from point A to point B much faster than usual, at a higher speed than most vehicles. It is also pretty maneuverable as well - you can cut across streets and zip through shortcuts easily. Just buy this bike and save your money for other useful purposes.

3 - Buzzard Attack Chopper

Price: ­$1,750,000

The Attack Helicopter Buzzard is an integral part of any GTA Online player's arsenal. The buzzard's small frame and good maneuverability make it easier to avoid enemy homing missiles. It has 2 miniguns and missile pods on each side.

Registered as a CEO vehicle, the Buzzard can be spawned for free instantly from the interaction menu and serves as the backbone of any CEO business.

4 - Akula

Price: $3,704,050 or $2,785,000 (trade price)

The Akula is a heavily armored stealth attack chopper, with amazing speed, armor and handling. The most notable feature of the vehicle is its stealth mode, which allows the entire crew to navigate around the map without being spotted by enemy radars, making it useful for surprise attacks and getaways. The Akula has 4 weapons, a nose-mounted turret, two miniguns, missile pods and bombs.

5 - Oppressor Mk2

Price: $3,890,250 or $2,925,000 (trade price)

Being a hoverbike, the Oppressor MK2 can travel on all terrains land, air and sea. It also has a rocket boost for immediate acceleration. This versatility and speed are why people just love to use this bike. The Oppressor can be equipped with either machine guns or missiles.

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