Vehicles are probably the biggest part of the Grand Theft Auto Series. Amongst them, Cars and Motorcycles are the two main types. While Motorcycles do not provide the same protection as a car, they are more maneuverable and have a faster top speed. In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase the top 6 fastest motorcycles to buy in GTA Online 2022.
1. Reever (163 mph)
- Price: $1,900,000
The Western Reever is a custom motorcycle that debuts in GTA Online as part of The Contract update. The bike is mostly based on the ARCH Method 143, with a few details taken from the ARCH Nazaré motorcycle in Cyberpunk 2077. The bike's name is taken from actor Keanu Reeves, the co-founder of Arch Motorcycles. He also played Johnny Silverhand, a character in Cyberpunk 2077.

Performance-wise, the Reever has an insane top speed of 163 mph. That makes it the fastest motorcycle in the game by a noticeable margin (13 mph faster than the runner-up bike). This speed allows the Reever to perform some great stunts with a wheelie.
Similar to all fast vehicles, the Reever has lower than average handling and can be a bit sluggish when doing turns.
2. Deathbike (150 mph)
- Price: $1,269,000
There are three versions of the Deathbike: Apocalypse, Future Shock and Nightmare. While they are not the best bikes to use in a race, the Deathbikes are an absolute beast in everything else... especially combat. All Deathbikes come with sawblades that can instantly kill players and pop tires.
Besides its decent speed and handling, the vehicle also has two special abilities "Jump" and "Boost", which allow it to launch into the air and gain extra speed.

Players should be careful when the blades are equipped, since that, when taking a turn, any curbs or bumps in the way can hit the blades and may cause the rider to crash.

The Apocalypse and the Nightmare can be fitted with miniguns, while the Future Shock can be equipped with Dual Lasers. Overall, they are the best bike you should get if you are aiming for some high-speed vehicle fights or winning Arena War.

3. Oppressor (140 mph)
- Price: $3,524,500
The Pegassi Oppressor is a custom sports bike added to GTA Online as part of the Gunrunning update. Similar to the Deathbike, it is an incredibly nimble weaponized vehicle suitable for raid attacks. While performing similarly to other sports bikes, the Oppressor's handling is slightly quicker and more responsive.

This vehicle has a special ability to extend 4 wings to glide and maintain altitude for a limited time. If used correctly, players should be able to cover long distances and reach inaccessible areas. Installing the "Saber Fairing" modification will increase its traction slightly, in the same way as a spoiler. There is also a rear-mounted rocket booster that can provide a brief speed boost.
Weapon-wise, the Oppressor can be equipped with front-facing machine guns and 4 homing missile launchers, which have a capacity of 20.
4. Manchez Scout (139.75 mph)
- Price: $225,000
The Maibatsu Manchez Scout is a military off-road motorcycle that debuts in GTA Online as part of The Cayo Perico Heist update. Initially, this motorcycle is a mission-only vehicle, but it turns purchasable after the Manchez Scout Week event.

Overall, it is an excellent off-roader coupled with excellent maneuverability and high top speed. However, its acceleration cannot keep up with the original Manchez. It is pretty much the perfect pick for races with rugged terrain and has more corners than straights. Players can install a "top box" modification to slightly increase the Manchez Scout's traction.
5. BF400 (137 mph)
- Price: $95,000
The BF400 is a Grand Theft Auto Online exclusive bike, released as part of the Cunning Stunts update. Based on a Suzuki Bandit, the bike comes with three different body designs.
Performance-wise, the BF400 is excellent when racing at high speed. While its acceleration is not that great, players can get to top speed fairly easily thanks to its amazing combination of agile handling, lightweight bodywork, and absorbing suspension. The latter is actually one of the best in the game. It allows the bike to bounce and absorb the impact of large jumps without throwing the player off.

The best part about this bike is its ultra-low price of $95,000. If players want to have a high-performance bike with low investment, the Nagasaki BF400 is probably one of the best bikes you can get.
6. Bati 801RR (135 mph)
- Price: $15,000
The Bati 801 is the king of cheap motorcycles in GTA 5. Despite costing lower than 1% of the Reever, it is just a slight bit slower. For new players in GTA Online, this bike is pretty much a must-have.

Performance-wise, the Bati 801RR has an excellent handling line, allowing the bike to clear sharp corners even at high speed. The braking and tractions are great, allowing players to manage turns easily while still sticking to the road.
>>> Read more: What Are The Fastest Supercars In GTA Online 2022?