From the spin-off series of Sniper Elite, we have its first sequel of Zombie Army 4: Dead War. The developer has built this game upon the previous games so you would have more way to kill Nazi zombies. I can say that this game is quite aware of what it is. But it still offers many gameplay experimentations that make it is fun to enjoy with a group of four.

The setting of the game is in 1946. The four characters have been "playing" with the zombies for quite some time to make and gather many traps, guns and safe zones all over the post-apocalypse Europe.
My demo session started in a safe area, just shortly before a colossal zombie horde's attack. Like in previous games, the zombies in this installment move at a slow pace. But their numbers are what makes it tricky. One single zombie could deal massive damage to you so you should be careful and pay attention to the way they approach, to kill them.
To be honest with you, I feel that this is game has a very Night of the Living Dead vibe to it.
The guns and traps
In Dead War, the guns feel much more dynamic than previous titles, and you can even equip them with some quirky attachments. For example, I had an electric attachment that allows my bullet to go through the first target and electrocute the enemies around it.
It is that campiness which makes Zombie Army games feel self-aware and much more fun. I could see myself boosting up Dead War on a Saturday night with three other friends for a quick run through.

Surely, in this game, the zombie kills are over the top and grotesque. As you land a shot, it spews out blood and flesh chunks. The famous slow-motion kill of Sniper Elite returns here to add spice to the fun and glorify each kill you get. The developer also put in some special zombies that which makes the whole thing much more fun and challenging.

There is also traps in this game; some are surprisingly creative that could help you in the most unexpected way. One of the traps I like is that giant fan which pulls the zombies around it when shot, it then chomps all the zombies to small bits.
The guns feel powerful and particularly good like when you empty out a mag of the machine gun on a horde of enemies. And of course, because these are Sniper Elite's developers - the snipers are excellent. The zombies' slow movement also allow to timing your shots and switching weapon as the zombie approach you.
The perks

One more thing you could so with your weaponry loadout is to match and mix the perks. You are free to customize your options as this game offers more variety than all the previous titles.
But be noticed that perks have many forms in this game. You will have to try them to see which one fits you and your playstyle, on the other hand you know, just choose a different one for each mission. One can give you extra life; others can improve your stats, etc. But back when I played the demo, I didn't get explore them much. So after the launch, I am sure to learn more about them.
You should try Zombie Army 4: Dead War out
From what I have seen, Zombie Army 4: Dead War gives its fans what they want and beyond that. It knows what the fans want it to be thus it does a good job at that. While this game might not change the whole gaming landscape, Dead War is a solid game, and you absolutely should try it out.
It is heading to Xbox One, PS4, and via Epic Games Store it is also coming to PC early next year. They also plan for a version for Steam in 2021.
Here we have a gameplay video of the game: