Call of Duty: Mobile is a battle royale game release to iOS and Android platforms. It’s developed by Timi Studio Group and launched by many publishers in different countries, including Activision, Tencent, and Garena. The international version came to gamers on October 1st, 2019. Since Call of Duty: Mobile release date, this FPS battle royale game has been increasing in popularity crazily and become the best game of 2019. This article of is going to give you many informative and interesting Call of Duty: Mobile India reviews. Check it out here.

Call of Duty: Mobile Overview

Call of Duty: Mobile is a first-person shooter game of the battle royale game sort. It also offers players an exciting action-horror experience in Zombies mode. Besides, players can join in high-pace combat with friends in Multiplayer mode. The Battle Royale mode gives players more choices when they can play from the first or third perspectives in solo, duo, or squad modes. The battle royale gameplay is quite similar to that of PUBG mobile in comparing Call of Duty: Mobile vs PUBG Mobile.

Call Of Duty Mobile Launches Worldwide October 1
Call Of Duty Mobile Launches Worldwide October 1

Call of Duty: Mobile India was launched by Activision. Before the international version came to players, the publishers launched many Call of Duty: Mobile beta versions. Australian players were the first ones to get this game on their smartphones. The first beta version came to this country on December 15th, 2018. Then, the publisher launched it in India. The Call of Duty: mobile release date in India was on May 16th, 2019. 

Call of Duty: Mobile Requirements

To install and play this game on your smartphone, your Android devices should have at least 2GB of RAM. This game only runs on Android 5.1 or better. With iOS devices, you also need the same RAM capacity and iOS 9.0 or up. Moreover, you should update your devices are running the newest operating system. Otherwise, you will have to update the operating system before installing the game. Make sure that your smartphones meet these requirements for a successful Call of Duty: Mobile download.

Call Of Duty Mobile Has High Quality Graphics
Call Of Duty Mobile Has High-Quality Graphics

Call of Duty: Mobile India: Gameplay, Tips, and Tricks

After Call of Duty: Mobile game download and installation are done, go on exploring the game modes and tips to play like a pro. As mentioned, this game offers players two major game modes, including Multiplayer modes and Battle Royale Mode. Let’s learn some tips and tricks in each game mode to play like a pro and win the matches.

Multiplayer Modes

The latest Call of Duty: Mobile update has five main multiplayer modes, including Practice vs AI, Search & Destroy, Domination, Frontline, and Team Deathmatch. It also features many special modes, such as Gun Game, Sniper Only, and Standoff – Halloween. Each game has a unique map with a different size and gameplay. Call of Duty: Mobile India reviews also give you some tips and tricks to play multiplayer modes.

Joining Fierce Combat In Call Of Duty Mobile Reviews
Joining Fierce Combat In Call Of Duty Mobile Reviews

Call of Duty: Mobile India Multiplayer Tips

  • Earn XP to rank up fast, then you can unlock more load-outs. You have five load-outs for different maps, including primary and secondary weapon and grenade load-outs, an operator kill, and three perk load-outs.
  • Choose proper weapons for each mode, upgrade your weapons periodically. You can upgrade your weapons by using weapon cards you get as a reward.
  • You cannot hide in these multiplayer modes, so keep moving and fight till the end of the match. When you need to reload ammo, find a cover, and do it quickly.
  • Use the slide and crouch features to avoid being shot while moving. Besides, use sprint to move faster in the match.
  • Using a pistol will be a wise tip in these multiplayer matches. Besides, don’t use silencers as they decrease the shooting range of your weapon.
  • Master your grenades. Grenades can cause damage to enemies, especially in Nuketown and Killhouse maps. You can clear the enemies hiding in their shelters with ticky grenades, and smoke grenades can be a very useful cover.
  • Keep aggressive in Team Deathmatch mode as once you step back, your enemies will blow you out of the game.
Call Of Duty Mobile Shooting Tips
Call Of Duty Mobile Shooting Tips

Battle Royale Mode

The Call of Duty: Mobile battle royale gameplay is pretty similar to PUBG Mobile ranking modes. It also features FPP and TPP game with a solo, duo, and squad mode. However, unlike PUBG Mobile, Call of Duty: Mobile iOS and Android have random zombies on this battle royale map. In this mode, you also parachute and landing on the battlefield without firearms. Then, players run around, loot supplies and weapons, fight and try to survive as the last survivor on the map.

Call Of Duty Mobile Zombies Mode
Call of Duty Mobile Zombies Mode

Call of Duty: Mobile Battle Royale Tips

  • Choose the right place to land on carefully. If you are a beginner and want to begin the match slowly and carefully, choose a low-risk spot to drop on. If you’re pro players and want to find decent weapons, you can land in crowded cities.
  • Work as a team in duo and squad modes. Keep in mind that in these modes, your team fights with other teams of two or four players. If you leave your teammates and fight alone, you are on the blunt edge of the combat. So, stay with your team, cover, and revive your teammates.
  • Keep your eyes on the mini-map and watch out for enemies around. You can spot the enemies close to you by seeing the footprints or hear the sound of them.
  • Unlike in multiplayer mode, you can hide in battle royale mode and wait for the chance to come. It would be wiser than engaging too early in any combat.
  • In this game mode, you also have to watch out for zombies. The game also offers players a Zombie Mode for training. You can also learn some tips and tricks to clear out zombies in this mode. 
Call Of Duty Mobile Battle Royale Map
Call Of Duty Mobile Battle Royale Map

Here are some tips and tricks in two major Call of Duty: Mobile game modes. It can be useful for beginners to get familiar with the game, and also for old players who haven’t mastered the game. You can get more tips from an informative tutorial Call of Duty: Mobile video, or learn from pro players, too.

The game is now available in Google Play and App Store for you to download and play. But if you don’t have a high-quality smartphone and want to play this game on PC, you can download Call of Duty: Mobile APK and run it on emulators. Call of Duty: Mobile APK download link is also free and easy to get on many websites.

This article has given you some useful information, tips, and Call of Duty: Mobile India reviews. To update more Call of Duty: Mobile news, let’s visit