The Chasm Genshin Impact has been expected by the gaming community for over a year and it is until version 2.6 when they can finally explore the new place. Before you can actually delve into The Chasm, there are several quests you need to complete, such as the Surreptitious Seven-Star Seal Sundering Quest.
After this, you have to find ways to enter the Chasm Underground Mines. If you are also one of those users who struggle to find the way in, here’s a quick guide to help you out.

How to enter the Chasm Underground Mines
In order to go into the Chasm underground mine, you can utilize either of the two available methods. Both these ways will require players to glide into the middle of The Chasm’s Maw. The massive entrance will lead you to the Underground Chasm, leading ways to more adventure in the open world.
1. Activate the elevator in The Chasm Underground Mines
The first way you can adopt to activate The Chasm Underground Mines map is by reaching an elevator up on the Chasm’s Maw.
You shall see a button to start the mechanism once having reached the place. Using the button will initiate a loading screen. After that, the Traveler will be transported to the Underground Chasm.

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2. Enter the Chasm’s Maw
For the second method, you simply need to drop down the large hole.
Different from the entrance to Enkanomiya, you do not need to be worried about dying of fall damage. Instead, you will teleport to the ground as the loading screen finishes.

A small cutscene will begin the first time you enter The Chasm Underground Mines, showing the Traveler strutting through the bridges. After that, he or she will meet Zhiqiong and Jinwu.
Jinwu would reveal a number of miners getting lost in the Underground Chasm since a while ago.
In order to solve this matter, you need to find clues on Uncle He’s location, but he is nowhere to be found. In order to look for him, you would have to trigger the Missing Miner quest in Genshin Impact.
If both of the above methods do not work, chances are you have not completed the required Quest. You have to destroy the Bedrock Keys first to gain access to the Chasm’s Underground Mines.

While you are there, you are also recommended to unlock the Lost Valley Domain in Fuao Vale. The Artifact Domain offers players the best artifact sets for Kamisato Ayato and Xiao. Moreover, this 2-piece set can be equipped on almost all Genshin Impact characters.
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