While not a lot of people like to use Shotguns in Free Fire, it still has a decent fanbase, as many players have learned how to headshot people with them. Shotguns benefit a lot from skins due to their nature of having a much lower range and accuracy.

In this article, we would list out the top 10 Best Free Fire New Shotgun Skin in 2020. This list is divided into 3 categories for each of the three shotguns.


1 - SPAS 12 Winterlands

The SPAS 12 Winterland is probably the best skin for the SPAS in the game. While it looks rather plain, with only red, blue and some slash of white - it has the fastest firing rate that a SPAS could get... and for a single shot weapon like the SPAS 12, this is crucial. With this skin, you would be able to fire another shot earlier if you missed your first one.

The accuracy demerit does not matter much in close range.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Accuracy -
SPAS 12 Winterlands
SPAS 12 Winterlands

2 - SPAS 12 Deadly Bat

The SPAS 12 Deadly Bat is above average, with a double bonus in damage and range. The spread of the gun would become tighter when its range is increased - the SPAS 12 would deal much more damage in the melee now comparing to normal.

Appearance-wise, the deadly bat SPAS looks pretty cool, with all the neon colors of pink, purple and blue splashed together.

  • Damage +
  • Range +
  • Accuracy -
SPAS 12 Deadly Bat

3 - SPAS 12 Santa's Choice

The Santa's Choice SPAS 12 is probably just as good as the Deadly Bat, with the same spread reduction of +1 range. It has a different, more useful bonus, however - you can shoot much faster with the Santa. This is arguably more powerful than damage, as the SPAS can already instant kill with a headshot anyway.

The Santa SPAS looks pretty bad - it is covered with red but only in parts, not everything.

  • Rate of Fire +
  • Range +
  • Magazine -
SPAS 12 Santa's Choice

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4 - M1014 Underground Howl

With this skin equipped, the M1014 would no longer be the lowest damage weapon in the shotgun class - its damage would be boosted to the same level as the SPAS. The Underground Howl is probably amongst the best looking, as it is literally on fire, with a particle effect that's always activated.

  • Damage ++
  • Rate of Fire -
  • Magazine +
M1014 Underground Howl

5 - M1014 Apocalyptic Red

The Apocalyptic Red is a new incubator skin that was just added to the game in the recent Rampage 2.0 patch. The 6 shots M1014 is already strong in its base form - with the extra fire rate of the M1014, you would be able to combat much better in melee than usual. The Apocalyptic Red looks pretty cool - it has a wheel on its body... and its barrel is always on fire.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Reload Speed +
  • Magazine -
M1014 Apocalyptic Red

6 - M014 Winterlands

The M1014 Winterlands is the Ice version to the Underground Howl's fire, with a snow effect covering the whole gun. With bonuses to damage and accuracy, it would be much easier to score headshots in close range with this skin. The minus in magazine count is pretty bad, however, as the M1014 already has a low magazine size.

  • Damage +
  • Magazine -
  • Accuracy ++
M014 Winterlands

7 - M1014 Wasteland

The M1014 is definitely the favorite child amongst all shotguns, as there are quite a few legendaries dedicated to it. The Wasteland focuses on a pinpoint spread, with double bonuses in range stat. The damage bonus is just the cherry on top... and the rate of fire demerit is negligible.

This gun completed the three elements for the M1014 - it is covered in golden lightning.

  • Damage +
  • Rate of Fire -
  • Range ++
M1014 Wasteland

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8 - M1014 Death's Eye

The Death's Eye M1014 has a very simple bonus - an increase in rate of fire. With this skin equipped, you would be able to fire the deadly blasts from this gun much faster, downing enemies before they can do the same to you. A fire rate increase is actually the best bonus on Shotguns, as they already have a high damage stat and do not need more damage.

The Death's eye looks rather plain, with red, grey and a black skull on the body of the gun. It is one of the best New Shotgun Skin in Free Fire.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Magazine -
M1014 Death's Eye


9 - M1887 Tropical Parrot

With this skin equipped, the M1887 would be able to go over the damage limit of Free Fire - it already has a base damage of 100. The increase in accuracy would reduce the spread of the gun, making it hit harder in close range.

About appearance, while the Tropical Parrot looks pretty plain, it has a futuristic grid effect on its body. This looks pretty cool when used in conjunction with Alok or Moco.

  • Damage +
  • Range -
  • Accuracy +
M1887 Tropical Parrot

10 - M1887 Rapper Underworld

The M1887 Rapper Underworld is maybe the best looking weapon on this list. It has a purple flame effect, specialized killfeed, and detailed decorations of a clown face and golden chains all over the weapon.

Its bonuses are also top tier for a shotgun as well, with a much faster fire rate and somewhat decent reload speed.

  • Rate of Fire ++
  • Accuracy -
  • Reload Speed +
M1887 Rapper Underworld

Interested in more of our articles related to the shotgun in Garena Free Fire... or Free Fire Shotgun Skin photo? Please check out this post for the best shotgun headshot tricks.