GTA Vice City is one of the most popular titles of the GTA franchise. The game was even ported to Android so smartphone users can play anytime they want.
The mobile version is pretty much the same as the PC version, except for one thing, cheat codes. There are a lot of cheat codes in GTA Vice City and they are a really fun part of the game.

However, you can't really activate them on Android. That's why many players have been looking for GTA Vice City cheats for Android mobile free download. If you are one of them then you have come to the right place.
Table of Contents
1. GTA Vice City Cheats For Android Mobile Free Download
GTA Vice City for Android is a great game but you can't use cheat codes in the game like the PC version. Cheat codes in GTA Vice City will open up a lot more fun for you. The cheat codes in GTA Vice City on Android and GTA Vice City on PC are the same.

However, you cannot type the cheat on your Android because there is no keyboard. There is a way to go around this and it is actually very easy. To cheat in GTA Vice City mobile version, you can either plug a real keyboard into your phone or download Hacker's Keyboard app that allows you to type cheats in the game.
Hacker's Keyboard will help you enable GTA Vice City Cheats for Android mobile. You can download Hacker's Keyboard on Google Play Store for free.
2. How to use GTA Vice City Cheats
After you have downloaded Hacker's Keyboard from Google Play Store to your device, follow these steps to use it in GTA Vice City:
- Open Hacker's Keyboard on your phone.
- Tap on the Enable Keyboard button and choose Hacker's Keyboard as your main keyboard.

- Go to Settings -> Language and Input -> Hacker's Keyboard.
- Find the 'Use permanent notification' and enable it.
- Now open GTA City Vice on your phone. Drag down the notification bar on top of the phone and tap on the notification of Hacker's Keyboard to open it.
- When the keyboard is on, you can just type in the cheat codes and they will be activated.
>>> Read more: GTA Vice City Cheats For Money
3. GTA Vice City Cheat Codes list on Android
GTA Vice City on Android uses the same cheat codes as GTA Vice City on PC. Here is the list of GTA Vice City Cheat Codes list on Android:
- THUGSTOOLS ~ Weapon set #1
- NUTTERTOOLS ~ Weapon set #3
- ASPIRINE ~ Restore health
- PRECIOUSPROTECTION ~ Gain/restore armor
- YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE ~ Increase Wanted Level
- LEAVEMEALONE ~ Decrease Wanted Level
- FANNYMAGNET ~ Female actors follow player
- CERTAINDEATH ~ Tommy smokes a cigarette
- PANZER ~ Spawns a Rhino Tank

- TRAVELINSTYLE ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger
- GETTHEREQUICKLY ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger (alternate)
- GETTHEREFAST ~ Spawns a Sabre Turbo
- GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST ~ Spawns a Hotring Racer (alternate)
- THELASTRIDE ~ Spawns a Romero’s Hearse
- ROCKANDROLLCAR ~ Spawns a Love Fist Stretch/Limo
- RUBBISHCAR ~ Spawns a Trashmaster
- BETTERTHANWALKING ~ Spawns a Golf Caddie
>>> Also check: GTA Vice City Cheat Codes For Swimming

- BIGBANG ~ Explodes nearby cars
- MIAMITRAFFIC ~ Aggressive AI driving on
- AHAIRDRESSERSCAR ~ All cars become pink
- IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK ~ All cars become black
- COMEFLYWITHME ~ Flying cars cheat
- GRIPISEVERYTHING ~ Vehicle handling improved
- GREENLIGHT ~ All traffic signals green
- SEAWAYS ~ Cars hover over water
- WHEELSAREALLINEED ~ Only car wheels visible
- LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS ~ Some cars have big wheels
- HOPINGIRL ~ Actors get into player’s current car
- LIFEISPASSINGMEBY ~ Time compression (speeds up game time)
- ONSPEED ~ Time compression (alternate)
- BOOOOOORING ~ Time expansion
- CHASESTAT ~ Shows Media Level
- FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT ~ Actors all attack (riot cheat)
- NOBODYLIKESME ~ Actors attack player
- CHICKSWITHGUNS ~ Female actors armed
- CHASESTAT ~ Show media level (when 2+ stars)
- DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS ~ Player model changed to fat
- PROGRAMMER ~ Player model changed to skinny
- STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP ~ Player model changed randomly
- CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED ~ Player model is Ricardo Diaz
- LOOKLIKELANCE ~ Player model is Lance Vance
- MYSONISALAWYER ~ Player model is Ken Rosenberg
- LOOKLIKEHILARY ~ Player model is Hilary King
- ROCKANDROLLMAN ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #1
- WELOVEOURDICK ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #2
- ONEARMEDBANDIT ~ Player model is Phil Cassidy
- IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY ~ Player model is Sonny Forelli
- FOXYLITTLETHING ~ Player model is Mercedes
- ALOVELYDAY ~ Weather sunny
- APLEASANTDAY ~ Weather overcast
- ABITDRIEG ~ Weather very overcast
- CANTSEEATHING ~ Weather foggy
- CATSANDDOGS ~ Weather stormy
This of the end of our guide on how to use cheat in GTA Vice City on Android. For more GTA tips and tricks on Gurugamer, check out: This Is How GTA 5 Would Look With Super Realistic Graphics
VIKRAM RAJPUROHIT 2021-07-22 10:23:13
can you give me gta 3 pliese