PUBG Mobile’s infamous Erangel 2.0 map, after over a year of delay, has finally been pushed out on the beta server. A lot of fans have been hyping for the map, as playing on the same Erangel for years does get pretty boring. In this article, we would list out everything you need to know about PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.0 Gameplay.
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1 - When will Erangel 2.0 or “Erangel Remastered” be released?
Tencent has been pretty quiet about the exact date of the update, but the army of data miners have pretty much solved the puzzle already. And with PUBG Mobile getting an update every 1.5 months or so, everything is pretty obvious.

The Erangel 2.0 or Erangel Remastered update would arrive along with the 1.0 patch of PUBG Mobile, which is likely to be released on September 11. It is not sure why the update was delayed so much, with the PC version getting it almost two years ago. Based on some inside sources, they were having problems with various bugs.
2 - Erangel 2.0 Graphical Changes
The whole Erangel Map would get a graphical update with new details and texture improvements to all buildings and environment objects. Vegetation, water and the skybox have become much more realistic. Along with these changes, an extra setting called Ultra High Quality Option is going to be available.
3 - PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.0 Gameplay Changes
As PUBG Mobile is a battle royale, some of the map changes are going to affect its gameplay, of course. Basements have been added to some buildings, along with new layouts for Prison, Mine and Nuclear Plant.

The top version is the new remastered one - completely with a broken reactor on the side. Overall, the new Power Plant looks much less industrialized comparing to the original version. The whole site is filled with covers and obstacles - players would have an easier time approaching it from outside and evade all the campers. With the main warehouse building added onto the courtyard, fights would happen more there instead of inside the plant.

The underground bunker on the side of a hill is likely to be a good loot spot, as these bunkers are all used by the military.

This platform is going to be a great sniping spot, being pretty high up with great vantage points.

A new gas station is also added onto the game - it is highly likely that you are going to find extra gas for your vehicle here. There might be vehicles spawn in the vicinity as well.

This is some kind of a hangar/warehouse that was built onto the side of the mountain, just like the bunkers. You can expect to find decent loots here as well.

This forest of dead trees is probably the result of that nuclear reactor blowing up and spread radiation all over the area. From what we have assembled from the changes, Erangel might be abandoned due to the "accidents" that happened inside the power plant.

Various “visual flavors” are also added as well, which further enhances the story behind Erangel, as it was supposed to be a soviet secret base. Scatter all over the map are abandoned tanks, bunkers, horse skeletons, and trenches. You cannot drive the tank, of course - that would be unfair.

The number of assets and new places added to the game is unreal - most of them are military based in order to complement Erangel's revised backstory. There are even artillery pieces all over the island.

The trenches on the edge of the hill, complete with heavy gun pieces (you cannot fire them, of course). These are just cosmetic additions but the map looks much better and more dynamic with them.
4 - Payload mode 2.0
There are going to be a lot of new things in Payload 2.0 - from UAV control terminal, explosion-proof armor, soldier radar… and more. The normal vehicles like UAZ, buggy and Dacia would get guns added onto them as well - it is likely that the mode would be focused further on vehicles and heavy weapon combat. Speaking about weapons - 2 more heavy weapons are going to be part of the update: the AT4-A Laser Tracking Missile and the M202 Quadruple Rocket Launcher. The ability to fire target seeking missiles and 4 missiles at the same time is probably the way to counter all the new dangerous vehicles.

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