PUBG Mobile is celebrating its 2nd anniversary with the twelfth season - the main theme of the whole season revolves around the game's birthday and the usual festive activities. This is one of the biggest seasons to date - there were a lot of new features included, along with all the exclusive discounts, anniversary mode, and more.

The new emote in season 13 is Joyful Twist

With Tencent massively investing in PUBG Mobile, it is not a surprise that the developers are currently working ahead of schedule on contents of the Season 13 update. New leaks about the next season have already started to surface on various sources on the internet. The current season 12 would last for approximately 2 months and will conclude on May 11. Below are some leaked rewards from the Royale Pass of Season 13 some of the expected content releases. Keep in mind that everything is subjected to change - PUBG devs might pull some of those outs just before the update hit.

Various new cosmetics that are going to be part of the next season

When will PUBG Mobile Season 13 be released?

Season 13 would roll out on the same day as the Royale pass - the 0.18.0 update patch would arrive a few days afterward, however.

Season 13 Royale Pass leaked rewards:

The main legendary sets in this season are the Mr. Kitty Set, Armed Hound set and an ornament named Sushy Doggy. Various emotes and much more goodies are also included.

The Armed Hound set comes with a full-head mask that bears the look of a Japanese Shiba Inu, which is actually a highly docile dog breed.

The Mr. Kitty Set is pretty unique as well

This set is the counterpart to Armored Hound's Shiba Inu

About game contents, there are a lot of hints for both Erangel 2.0 and Vikendi 2.0, however, it is expected that the developers are going to release the new Erangel map first, as it has been worked on for months.

Interested in more articles about PUBG Mobile and its update? Please check out this post for information about the upcoming library map release.