TDM or Team Deathmatch is one of the best modes ever released in Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI), with two squads duking it out on a small map. In TDM, having a good weapon combo is vital to winning. In this article, we are going to list out the top 5 best gun combo for TDM mode in BGMI.
1 - M24 + Skorpion
M24 is among the best sniper rifles in BGMI. It has great range and power and can be super effective in the hand of someone with good aim. The M24 can end enemies with 2-3 shots or instantly kill with a headshot. Remember to use the 4x scope, as the TDM mode map is small.
The Skorpion is a full-sized machine pistol that occupies the sidearm slot. Overall, it is a very controllable and dependable pocket SMG that performs well when the situation calls.

2 - Groza + Desert Eagle
Groza is a rare AR that can only be found in airdrops in BR mode. It's also one of the best airdrop weapons in the game till date. In TDM, it is just as strong - players like to use the Groza for its fast fire rate and damage per bullet, which results in very high DPS. Groza has a slow reload timing of 3 seconds so you need to get a quickdraw mag if possible.
The Legendary Deagle is still a beast in BGMI TDM mode. The best part about the Desert Eagle is its damage - the gun is so powerful it can take down a Spetsnaz Helmet (Level 3) in 2 headshots in an instant.

3 - M762 + Skorpion
The M762 is a versatile assault rifle with more attachment points than the AKM, on par with the SCAR-L. While its base damage is lower than the AK, its fire rate makes up for that, allows the M762 to surpass the AK in damage. While its recoil is just as high as the AK, you can deal with the problem by equipping a foregrip.
Similar to the M24, the Skorpion is the perfect addition to combo with the M762 in battle. You can pull it out and engage in close quarters when needed.

4 - AUG A3 + Skorpion
The AUG A3 is an air drop-only weapon similar to the Groza, and it is just as strong as the Groza in TDM mode. Overall, the AUG's exceptional handling and high muzzle velocity make its shots highly accurate. When equipped with a compensator and foregrip, the AUG has slightly more overall stability compared to an equally equipped M416. This makes AUG the gun with the lowest recoil in BGMI.
You should try to snipe enemies in medium range with the AUG instead of going in close and personal. A major drawback of the AUG however is its relatively slow reload time of 3 seconds. A quickdraw magazine would be vital if you want to use this gun.

5 - UZI + Deagle
This is the go-to combo if you like to fight close and personal. The Micro UZI is the lightest submachine gun in the game, which allows you to move around much faster. While it deals the least damage out of all the SMGs, the UZI made up for that with stability and ease of control. Its high rate of fire rewards your aim greatly, especially if you managed to do burst headshots.
The Deagle serves as the sniper weapon in this combo. You can use it to open on targets who are in medium range or finish foes who are trying to escape.

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